I want to power up all SDADC's simultaneously,but the last channel has no data,the data of the other 7 channels are correct.Please tell me how to configure SDADC.
I met the same problem about SDADC. The value of 0~6 channels of SDADC is correct, but the value in last channel is almost 0. I checked the state of SDADC channel, it seems the Channel H is always keep in over voltage and over load status.
I try to disable over voltage protection via clear ADCCTRL7_OVPWRDN. But this switch bit seems only have effect to channel 0-6. Channel 7 still in over voltage status when I have closed the over voltage protection.
@Peter Vlna Are there any expert can give me some idea about this feature.
I am working on SDADC of MPC5775K too. I configured the register as reference manual recommended. But I can not see any data in SRAM using SDMA when the SDMA address was 0x40000000 and FRM__ACQ_DONE flag was set correctly. Could you give me some help or any example about SDADC with SDMA configuration.
I am not so familiar with radar modules, but I will try to explain the situation.
You have acquired data via SDADC correctly. So you can see conversion is ended.
I expect that on end of conversion is DMA transfer triggered.
You have to correctly configure DMA to HW trigger request from SDADC.
I also expect that you must configure AIPS so the master (DMA) can access slaves.
If you done all this configuration correctly I see no other issues here and data transfer should work as required.
Who can help me?
The radar modules are supported only on request as the applications are very customer specific.
I do not expect that someone outside NXP will help you with this topic on community.
We have posted one simple example on SDADC here:
We will most probably create a set of some general examples for external use in future.
I want to configure SDADC,too.But there is no example .You say that the data of the other 7 channels are correct.where is the data stored??what is the address?
You may try to configure SDMA to specify an address.
I've been able to sample data and read data from SDMA, but I have another problem.
We can set the number of sample(256,I set)in a chirp in the SPT module, and then we can set the number of chirp(128,I set) in a frame. This means that when SPT.GBL_STATUS.B.FRM_ACQ_DONE is set, we should adopt 256*128 data, but only the actual 128*208 data, if I increase the value of sample, the effective numerical maximum of only 208.
Have you ever had this problem?Or maybe the last channel didn't have all 0 data, but it was missing data like me.
CTE triggers ADC sample capture.But I don't know how to configure CTE .Could you give me any example or your code?