I have used the instructions listed in Solved: MPC5777C update DCF record - NXP Community to program STCU2 module. I made a mistake and wrote a wrong value in my xxx.srec file, thus to the 0x00400310 address. I tried to overwrite it but the PROGPPCNEXUS program throws `Error during programming` error(nothing else).
I already read that UTEST flash area cannot be deleted, but is it also non-re-writable? Is there a way to over-write this address?
Thanks to anyone who reads.
Best wishes.
Hi Ekrem,
I'm afraid there's no solution for this. Erase is not allowed and cumulative programming is also not allowed - only one program operation is allowed per 64-bit ECC segment.
If you made a mistake in UTEST, the only option is usually to replace the chip.