basing FIFO and DMA method, when ECU receives CAN messages(cycle is 10ms), according to the measurement,some message is failed to receive by ECU,I attached the picture.The curve is marked with red color.
since the message transmitted by other ECU is 10ms,and I checked the transmitted message is normal. but after ECU receiving,then transmit it out, the out put curve is not following with the input 100 percent.It seems the ECU didn't receive the message correctly,most of the time message is not received. the CAN channel recevie about 60 messages with different cycles.with FIFO and DMA method, message losing is too heavy and can't accept this.do you any method to optimize this issue?thank you
hi Petr
basing SDK functions for FIFO+DMA,I encountered one new probem, when the first time to enter into DMA ISR,
the receive buffer can get the CAN frame, then it can enter into the DMA interrupt function again,but the message ID(recvBuff2.msgId)is alaways 0. what's the possible reasons causing this issue? thank you