Hi, all
I am using MCUXpresso IDE with MKV10Z16 (Kinetis V series) via J-LINK(OB V1, https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/1005002956762396.html maybe this product)
when I try to run a project, same error occurs
Whats the problem and how to solve it?
I am facing the same issue @Frogram is already faced . But My launching configuration is right what you recomended
Did you use the 'blue' debug icon?
It seems to me that you tried to launch it as an executable on the host?
I hope this helps,
I have got the same error with a simple project and a FRDM-KL25Z board. I get this message:
"Error starting process.
Cannot run program "C:\Users\3013742\Documents\MCUXpressoIDE_11.5.0_7232\workspace\frdmkl25z_demo_apps_bubble\Debug\frdmkl25z_demo_apps_bubble.axf": Launching failed
Cannot run program "C:\Users\3013742\Documents\MCUXpressoIDE_11.5.0_7232\workspace\frdmkl25z_demo_apps_bubble\Debug\frdmkl25z_demo_apps_bubble.axf": Launching failed
Cannot run program "C:\Users\3013742\Documents\MCUXpressoIDE_11.5.0_7232\workspace\frdmkl25z_demo_apps_bubble\Debug\frdmkl25z_demo_apps_bubble.axf": Launching failed"
Help, thanks!!
Your directory separation looks strange: are you using some kind of uni-code path/characters.
Does it work if your project is not on a OneDrive path (local on you disk)?
Can you check/share your launch configuration settings? The path to the binary is specified here:
I hope this helps.
Why is there such strange path separation symbol?
never seen something like that.
It should be a '/' or '\'