MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0 migration

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MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0 migration

1,624 次查看
Contributor II

Hello everyone,

Just upgraded from 11.8.1 to 11.9.0 and my project doesn't compile.

I'm getting the following error:

Building target: pulsar.axf
Invoking: MCU Linker
Template not found for name memory.ldt.
The name was interpreted by this TemplateLoader: com.crt.advproject.linkertemplate.FMLinkerFileTemplateLoader@12cedebd.
make[1]: *** [makefile:75: pulsar.axf] Error 1
make: *** [makefile:66: all] Error 2
"make -r -j32 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.

How can I solve this problem?

P.S. Tried to use SDK example, the same issue. Also tried to create new workspace and SDK example but the same error.

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1 解答
1,524 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello, @embeddman 

       Hello, I successfully built the project using MCUXpresso IDE11.9.0 according to your method. In response to your question, I recommend uninstalling all MCUXpresso IDE and re-installing the latest version of MCUXpresso IDE11.9.0.Make sure there are no errors during installation.

      You can try it and hope it helps you.

Best regards,



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12 回复数
765 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

A bit late on this one but I'll leave this comment for future references...

To offer some context, the IDE v11.9.0 now references the linker script templates from the LinkServer package installation. This is an intermediate step from an important reorganization. Note that the main product installer also installs LinkServer alongside the MCUXpresso IDE folder. The error from the log indicates that the linker script templates are missing for some reason. Please always inspect the installation logs and also double-check the presence of LinkServer.



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166 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Adrian -

Thank you for a helpful response.

Is the intermediate step from an important reorganization now complete?

I'm on 11.9.0 now and experiencing this problem. I want to know if updating to the latest IDE will resolve the problem completely.

Thank you.

John Sambrook

Common Sense Systems, Inc.

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1,026 次查看
Contributor I

Same problem here on Arch Linux, running MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0 [Build 2144] [2024-01-05], testing the blink demo test for FRDM-K64F with the latest SDK (SDK Version: 2.11.0 (541 2022-01-14 3.9.0) | Manifest Version: 3.9.0)

Below is the last part of the console log:


Finished building: ../device/system_MK64F12.c
Finished building: ../component/lists/fsl_component_generic_list.c
Finished building: ../component/uart/fsl_adapter_uart.c
Finished building: ../board/board.c
Finished building: ../board/clock_config.c
Finished building: ../drivers/fsl_uart.c
Finished building: ../board/pin_mux.c
Building target: frdmk64f_led_blinky.axf
Invoking: MCU Linker
Template not found for name memory.ldt.
The name was interpreted by this TemplateLoader: com.crt.advproject.linkertemplate.FMLinkerFileTemplateLoader@3699a300.
make[1]: *** [makefile:51: frdmk64f_led_blinky.axf] Error 1
make: *** [makefile:42: all] Error 2
"make -r -j8 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.

14:36:05 Build Failed. 2 errors, 0 warnings. (took 1s.106ms)



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530 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Seems like they split up the mcuxpresso and linkserver (which contains the memory.ldt):

The linkserver is a separate deb package in the mcuxpresso package, LinkServer_1.4.85.x86_64.deb .

The PKGBUILD does not install the linkserver deb-package yet, so it needs to be updated.

For now, unpacking the mcuxpresso package and installing both linkserver.deb and current PKGBUILD works.

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1,006 次查看
Contributor I


I finally fixed it for me.

There are packages missing on Arch:

pacman -S dpkg

then download mcuxpressoide-11.9.0_2144.x86_64.deb.bin from nxp site.

chmod +x mcuxpressoide-11.9.0_2144.x86_64.deb.bin

then run ./mcuxpressoide-11.9.0_2144.x86_64.deb.bin


maybe there is an other package missing. (cant remember right now) you should see it in terminal.

I think now install of sdk also fails on your installation without root?

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1,205 次查看
Contributor I

Same problem here on linux. fresh install doesnt help. any suggestions?

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1,540 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Jun,

I'm using MIMXRT1062xxxxA chips revision and the latest SDK 2.15 (SDK_2.x_EVK-MIMXRT1060).

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Clean install MCUXpresso IDE 11.9.0 on Windows 11
2. Create new workspace
3. Install the latest SDK
4. Import SDK example ota_mcuboot_server_enet
5. Try to build

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1,525 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello, @embeddman 

       Hello, I successfully built the project using MCUXpresso IDE11.9.0 according to your method. In response to your question, I recommend uninstalling all MCUXpresso IDE and re-installing the latest version of MCUXpresso IDE11.9.0.Make sure there are no errors during installation.

      You can try it and hope it helps you.

Best regards,


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1,519 次查看
Contributor II
Hi Alex,
re-installing helped me, thanks.
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1,585 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi embeddman,

What's your chip part number?

How to reproduce the problem?

Please make sure IDE V11.9.0 and v11.8.1 use different workspace. Please do clean the project before build.


Jun Zhang


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1,509 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Jun Zhang,
I'm using MIMXRT1062xxxxA chip revision and the latest SDK:

Снимок экрана 2024-01-22 102553.png

Steps to reproduce the problem:

1. Clean install MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0 on Windows 11

2. Create new workspace

3. Install aforementioned SDK

4. Import SDK example ota_mcuboot_server_enet

5. Try to build

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1,508 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Jun Zhang,

I'm using MXIMXRT1062xxxxA and the following SDK version:

Снимок экрана 2024-01-20 112820.png

How to reproduce the issue:

  1. Clean install MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0
  2. Run in a new workspace
  3. Install the aforementioned SDK
  4. Import SDK example ota_mcuboot_server_enet
  5. Try to Build
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