How do you download MCUXpresso?

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How do you download MCUXpresso?

Contributor III

I followed all of the links, created a new account, activated, confirmed email etc etc, now when I click the big download button for the MCUXpresso software it just takes me to "My Account", i've seen this is a common issue for many what is the solution as all of the videos i've seen should take me to a "product download" page but it does not.  I had an email saying it had been added to something when I click the link in the email it just took me back to my account page.

27 Replies

Contributor I

Yet again I can't download the latest IDE.

I've been trying to use NXP IDEs for years on and off and have had NOTHING but trouble downloading and generally trying to get information. Everything I try takes me back to the same "Apps" page that doesn't have a download link at all. Once I did get to a Microsoft page (no idea how) that wanted me to login and then rejected my details, WTF has Microsoft got to do with this?

This is such a pile of **bleep** it's quite unbelievable it's produced by such a large company.

I'm done long and (no) thanks for the fish. 

0 Kudos

Senior Contributor III

Welcome to download hell!

I had to give my login password to someone at NXP to get into my account.
They claimed they did nothing unusual.  Yet after they were there it downloaded just fine.

If you set up a new account for just downloading it will probably work fine.

Don't waste time clearing cookies, trying multiple browsers etc.
Doesn't work.  Been there done that... :-(

0 Kudos

Contributor III

HI Bob,

Thanks for the info, this is a brand new account!

Don't understand why it was made so difficult, I did find a download link direct for 11.0, but I believe there is a newer version available now, I don't understand why they make it so difficult!

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Senior Contributor III
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Contributor III

I had to get someone in work to download it earlier, here is a direct link if it helps for the latest: 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Regarding to the download issue, the problem is on your account, if you still help, please create a private ticket as shown in attached video,

Have a nice day,

Jun Zhang

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Senior Contributor III

"Regarding to the download issue, the problem is on your account,"

No!  It is not.  The system is broken.
Stop blaming us users and fix the problem.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I never blame user. What I want is to point user to find the right place to fix your account issue.

If this problem is related with personal account, that means we can't reproduce with most of other account, we can't solve it in public community.

user must provide a personal account information with private ticket, thus web team can shoot the trouble.

Hope this explains issue, no misunderstanding.

0 Kudos

Senior Contributor III

Thank you for clearing that up.

What exactly in our account can send us to the Masked ROM page?
Whatever causes that needs to be fixed.
Clearing cookies, using different browsers does not fix the problem.

My issue was resolved, as you point out, by giving my login password to NXP.
There is a long thread about that on here last year.  Yet the person from NXP claimed

to have done nothing.  After 'doing nothing' I could then download just fine.

For free software the system is far to convoluted.
Please just post direct download links, less work for NXP and have far fewer frustrated users.

0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Good to know the problem was solved.

However as I said I am technical support, I have no right to access internal web management system. so I can't tell you the root cause.

I ever saw one customers met similar problem as yours last year, I knew web team help them solve the issue, thus I believe they can help you too.

I understand that downloading SW package directly without login account is more convenient. NXP download management system is for the sake of better manage and organize NXP SW  resources, avoid hacker tampering, etc.

In fact, most customer can download SE resource without issue. only less customer was affected (as you). Thus if any user met similar problem, I suggest:

1. create private ticket to web team immediately. only web team have right to check and reset user account.

2. meanwhile, if it's urgent or can't get fast response from web team, create a private case to SW IDE team, to request them send the SW version to you separately.

Jun Zhang

0 Kudos

Contributor III

So, major (yeah right) update from the web team,

They changed my password, said they could download and gave me a link, and told me to try it on another computer.

After all of the issues I was having....I am still having them!  All links lead to My Account page, different laptop, different browser, same result.

It's not so much an issue at the moment as I have the latest installer as mentioned before, but I worry about my future download capability of the software.


Contributor III

Well, the web support worked a treat...Here is the response.

Unfortunately, since I could not reproduce your problem on my side, I could not provide you more accurate support.
You'd better try more browsers or more computers to solve the problem. It should be your browser's problem.
Or you may try to register a new account for a test.
Have a nice day!

Very helpful, so instead of fixing their own issues they just blame the user and their browsers, funny, I have not had any issues on any other sites before, suddenly my computer (which is less than a year old) and browser (which the cache and everything is cleared DAILY) is at fault, and my other personal laptop which has a different browser must also be faulty because I get the same with that, but a new account (wait, this is a new account) might work.

Good to know you take customer support so seriously NXP!

Senior Contributor III

If I was not force to use their components as I am, I wouldn't because of such poor support.

What can possibly be screwed up on their end to end up on the Masked ROM order page?

No one seems to get that or actually care. :-(

0 Kudos

Contributor III

Yeah, still trying to figure out how on earth, even if I had a crammed browser cache I would end up on an order page for masked ROMs.

It's almost like Microsoft used to do with Internet Explorer, try and force you to use it, it's like NXP are trying to force you to order masked ROMs! Well I don't need any!

I am not forced to use the components luckily, and I think i'll switch to ST in the future, or just stick with the old software.  I shall ensure to give the person who recommended me the NXP products a few words about what they are recommending!  I am sure the hardware is fine, you don't need to download that!

At least I know at this stage the level of service NXP offer, better to find out now than when I really need it!

0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

if web team reply can't solve your issue, you have to reply them and tell them your situation. others can't solve this issue related with individual account.

you may register another account to try download  if you are urgent.

or "

2. meanwhile, if it's urgent or can't get fast response from web team, create a private case to SW IDE team, tell them your current situation and request them send the SW version to you separately.



0 Kudos

Contributor III

Hi Jennie,

I have told them that their reply is of no use, they asked if I could download a manual and I can, so the issue is almost certainly not my end as I can download other resources.

I am not going to go running around chasing different people over what seems to be a common issue, it is a complete waste of time going around in circles, if the web team cannot sort it soon I shall be forced to find alternative products in the future.

Contributor III

Hi Jennie,

I have finally had a response from the web team, about as much use as a chocolate teapot i'm afraid, and I have told them so, use a different browser, use a different computer etc, not much help, anyway I won't write out all that I replied to them, but I have a almost new machine which gets history / cache etc cleared daily, my colleague has a 3 -4 year old machine who doesn't clear his browser since the dawn of time, and we both have the latest Chrome browsers, his downloads mine doesn't, not sure this can be blamed on me, the user!

Still not sure why we have to jump through so many hoops just to get a download link for free software.

It seems this is an issue ongoing for quite some time, surely the best thing to do is actually get the "web team" to fix it, surely it wastes as much of your time as it does ours and could quite easily put people off using your products.

I was almost going to switch to ST if I couldn't get it to download.

Contributor III

I did create a "private" ticket, but nobody has bothered getting back to me yet, and I managed to get the direct link from someone else as I already explained.

I don't understand how it can be a problem with the account if it is a brand new and just activated account, the software is free it should be as simple as (is user logged in if yes then download) I don't know why it has to redirect several times and plonk me back to a page I did not request.  It doesn't even explain why it dumped me there.  This whole download system is so counter intuitive I can only imagine they don't want people to use their products!

0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Innotech Systems

If you have created a private case, the web team support will contact you.

I myself is technical support and I don't know your root cause. just point you to the right place for proper help,

Thanks for the understanding,

Jun Zhang

0 Kudos

Contributor II

No, Thanks. I'm done.

Anyway, Is there some system issue ?

I didn't have any error during the downloading session.

Bt. | sagesdesk

2020년 3월 8일 (일) 오후 4:36, ZhangJennie <>님이 작성:

NXP Community <>

Re: How do you download MCUXpresso?

회신한 사람: ZhangJennie 님,


위치: MCUXpresso IDE - 전체 토론 보기


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