"mcu-boot" does not show up in the list of middleware for the FRDM-K64F board when creating an SDK. I am following the MCU Bootloader v2.5.0 Reference Manual section 10.2 where it says " To find the most recent bootloader release, click on mcuxpresso.nxp.com, select middleware mcu-boot when configuring the sdk package.". It then show an example for the FRDM-K64F board in section 11.2. However, mcu-boot does not appear in the list of middleware. What is going on?
Hello Alice,
Have you any news about this topic? I was looking the MCUBOOT for MK20 but it is not appearing at SDK 2.2.0.
Regards, Hernan
Hello Keith Paulsen ,
I just got the reply , the MCUBOOT still not live yet with mcuxpresso.nxp.com when configuring the sdk package.
The web team is working to update the documentes and getting started tab content with the correct link.
Sorry for the inconvenient to you .
Hello Keith Paulsen,
Thanks for sharing this with us.
I have submit to development team, will tell you after get the reply .
Have a nice day.