When trying to build the nadk-static package as described in the "NADK Reflector Application Debug"-Document, which is part of the ls2085a-sdk-ear6, bitbake hits the following issue downloading the package from freescale's git server:
bitbake -c patch nadk-static
Cloning into bare repository '/ls2085a/LS2085A-SDK-20160304-yocto/build_ls2085ardb_release/../sources/git2/sw-stash.freescale.net.scm.dpaa2.nadk.git'...
fatal: unable to access 'http://sw-stash.freescale.net/scm/dpaa2/nadk.git/': Could not resolve host: sw-stash.freescale.net; Name or service not known
Indeed, http://sw-stash.freescale.net is currently not reachable. It would be great one could provide me with an alternative repository or a static tarball.
Br, Clemens Eisserer
Hello Clemens Eisserer,
According to the comment from the Linux SDK development team, in the latest LS2085A EAR6 release NADK is not supported any more, so there is problem to fetch NADK source with bitbake command in EAR6 ISO.
If further assistance is needed, please feel free to let me know.
Hello Yiping,
I've heared several different statements regarding NADK. At the QorIQ-Layerscape training in Paris it was assured that NADK will be continued to be supported, as it forms the foundadtion for higher-level APIs like ODP. In the long term we hope the support situation regarding NADK can be clarified.
For now we've decided to use ODP whenever possible, however not all required functionality is currently supported by ODP (e.g. setting the maximum MTU), so we have to to use NADK-only functionality for those areas. We were supplied with a NADK-source tarball by a NXP-FAE we met at the training in Paris, so for now we will continue to develop with those headers.
Best regards, Clemens Eisserer