Content originally posted in LPCWare by klatecki on Mon Jul 05 01:29:58 MST 2010
I wrote a program and ran it on a LPCXpresso board with lpc1114 processor. Everything worked without any problems. So I designed the board, however, the target processor in the HVQFN33 package. Then I began to have problems. After programming by LCPLink program does not stop at the main (). When I press the pause, debugger shows that the program is somewhere in the hardware bootloader, the exception HardFalut or sometimes in a random place in the program written by me (of course the peripherals are not initialized and the variables take random values). I tried with a processor LCP1114 and LPC1113. The effect is exactly the same. It is interesting that if at the time when the processor is paused, using tweezers to reset the processor and then press the play, a program starts to perform properly. I tried to add a simple external reset circuit (resistor and capacitor) but unfortunately it does not help.
It seems that the system reset in the processor in some way damaged.
Temporarily solved so that the main loop of the program check in the LPC_SYSCON-> SYSRESSTAT registry if bit Power-On Reste set. If so, doing software reset.
Does anyone already met this problem? How does it solve?