Target marked as not debuggable - Again

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Target marked as not debuggable - Again

908 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Thu Feb 13 07:52:26 MST 2014
Everything worked OK for several weeks.

I don't know what is causing it but it started when I closed LPCXpresso without terminating the debug session. After this I could not close down my laptop, I had to force a shutdown. After this I could not debug, I got the message that 02--Failed on connect, Target marked as not debuggable, EMU(0) Conn&Rest None. DPID: BC114777. Info WIN64HS12. LPC-link was not even started.

I changed the board and it and it worked for about a day. Today I had almost the same trouble with the new board but it starts the LPC link  which it doesn't with the old board. After the same message.

My code is based on LPCOpen, nxp_lpcxpresso_812_periph_uart_rom_int But I changed the pin numbers using a tool at at because the offline tool can't generate code for LPCOpen.

These are the only differences from the example in function Init_UART_PinMux. I'm not touching the CRP. Vector catch is set to true by default.

    /* Enable SWM clock */

    /* divided by 1 */

    /* Pin Assign 8 bit Configuration */
    /* U0_TXD */
    /* U0_RXD */
    LPC_SWM->PINASSIGN[0] = 0xffff0004UL;

    /* U1_TXD */
    /* U1_RXD */
    LPC_SWM->PINASSIGN[1] = 0xff0d0cffUL;

    /* Pin Assign 1 bit Configuration */
    /* SWCLK */
    /* SWDIO */
    /* RESET */
    /* CLKIN */
    LPC_SWM->PINENABLE0 = 0xffffff33UL;

    /* Disable the clock to the Switch Matrix to save power */

WINXP SP3, LPCXpresso 6.1.4, LPCXpresso board 812, the small and cheap board. Still together as one PCB.
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Fri Feb 28 02:45:13 MST 2014
I have Rev 4C on all my boards except the first one which is 1A.

Anyway I have reinstalld LPCXpresso 6 about three times. Yesterday I installed LPCXPresso 7 and everythins started to work normally. I think that all these problems were due to a bug in LPCXpresso 6 or some kind of incompatibility between LPCXpresso 6 and something on my PC.
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872 次查看
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NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Thu Feb 27 09:51:00 MST 2014
Please note that with Rev B silicon, the ISP pin moved from PIO0_1 to PIO0_12. So, if you have Rev A, ISP is PIO0_1...
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Thu Feb 27 09:31:57 MST 2014
Booting correctly into ISP will not run any user code, meaning that any code that has incorrectly set the configuration will not run. The only remaining options are:
- you have enabled one of the CRP modes
- you have a power problem
- you are NOT booting into ISP
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Thu Feb 27 08:46:45 MST 2014
I tried that on all boards after they stopped working. Grund ISP (PIO-0-12), connect USB to turn on power, just as a safety issue a reset (PIO-0-5) to ground, remove ground from ISP pin..

After I start Flash magic and the error is "Failed to autobaud". I repeated the process with a terminal connected and tried to send severall "?", which should enter autobaud mode. No response. And I have changed the FTDI cable to a new one. 3.3V of course.

Could it be faulty code for the pinmatrix? That's the only thing I have changed in the demo software. This code was generated with a Java script at since the offline program can not generate code for LPCopen.
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872 次查看
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NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Thu Feb 27 08:13:31 MST 2014
Please boot into ISP mode. There is an faq that describes this.
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Thu Feb 27 05:35:21 MST 2014
I took a brand new board tried it withhout connecting the serial port.
LPC-link connects and the debugger goes to main and stops becuase of the brekpoint. If I press continue, I get the error: Target error becuse of register access.

I tried a few times and now once again I get the error: Target marked as not debaggable. I also get another message box saying:'Launching nxp_lpcxpresso_812_periph-uart_int Debug(1)' has encountered a problem. Error in final launch sequence.

I used the uart examples in LPCopen as you reccomended in a previous post. Only the USB cable was connected.

My boss probably thinks that I'm incompetent now. 5 boards broken in less than two weeks.

Should I  give up on LPC800 and restart with LPC1114?
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872 次查看
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NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Wed Feb 26 10:25:54 MST 2014

Quote: ppx
I use a USB (FTDI) to serial 3.3V cable connected to a HUB. It shows up as COM6 in device manager. When running the nxp_lpcxpresso_812_periph_uart_rom_int example I could transmit text from the LPCXpressso board to a terminal but could not send text from the terminal window to the LPCXpresso board. Will try with a new FTDI cable.

LPCXpresso comes bundled with an LPC800 driver library, and a UART demo program which can send/receive to a terminal program. I suggest you find a working board, and run the example to test your serial connection.


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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Wed Feb 26 04:35:27 MST 2014
I use a USB (FTDI) to serial 3.3V cable connected to a HUB. It shows up as COM6 in device manager. When running the nxp_lpcxpresso_812_periph_uart_rom_int example I could transmit text from the LPCXpressso board to a terminal but could not send text from the terminal window to the LPCXpresso board. Will try with a new FTDI cable.

I used the same cable and comport with Flashmagic. Cable is connected to PIO-4, PIO-0 and Gnd. I used PIO-12 as ISP pin since my latest board has a version 4C chip. The USB connector on the LPCXpresso goes to a USB connector on the back of my PC.

Turning off vector catch didn't change anything. Since I'm using a ready made example with only pin numbers changed, I can't really turn on CRP. I looked through the procject and even searched for "CRP", nothing. Also when it was working I managed to start up the code many times.
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Tue Feb 25 13:06:07 MST 2014

Without knowing how you've implemented the serial connection to access ISP services, the fact you can't use FlashMagic after ostensibly booting the LPC812 part into the ISP suggests a board problem. Have you checked your project build to ensure you're not unintentionally compiling in CRP (Code Read Protection)?

The ISP should provide a stable boot configuration to connect debug. Boot the part into the ISP, and be sure you've set the Vector catch 'true' setting to 'false' in your LPC812 debug configuration before attempting your next debug session.


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872 次查看
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NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Tue Feb 25 04:17:07 MST 2014
It's a LPCExpresso board made by Embedded artists. the on you can beak in th middle to have a separate JTAG (SWD) board and a target board.

See e.g.:
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by serge on Tue Feb 25 04:06:07 MST 2014
I had once a board (based on LPC1769) that had a similar symptom...
After a lot of searching it seemed that a hardware problem caused this behaviour.

My guess is that you have a custom board.
Have you checked your hardware?
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872 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by ppx on Tue Feb 25 03:51:29 MST 2014
I'm into my fourth board now. Board three worked two days and I got the same error. Board number four connected to the link and went to main but after restarting it gave the eorror "Target error at register access. This happened several times and I decided to resrtart everything. After restarting I was back to the same error "Targed marked as not duggable.

Tried flashmagic an all boards, couldn't communicate. Tried connecting a terminal to the comport and sending ? to the bootloader, no reply. I use a USB to TTL (3.3V) connected to a powered hub. Started to suspect that the problem was that I was sypplying 3.3V on the RX pin from the serial port even when the board was not powered, PC off. So when using board 4 I took care to disconnect the serial cable before powering down. Still no luck.

I have have a almost a complete version of my software for LPC1114 with one hardware comport and one software comport and I had neve any problems with that board. We just wanted to change to LPC811 because of price and two real comports. I start to regret this choice.

What is happening? Some advice or ideas?
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