Content originally posted in LPCWare by magicdim on Thu Jan 24 02:02:34 MST 2013
Hi everyone,
I just would like to notify 2 anomalies:
1) On EA's website we can find:
The Embedded Artists product EA-XPR-003 can be delivered with an LPC1768 or an LPC1769 microcontroller (MCU). Both these MCUs are fully compatible.
The sample application bundle below however contain LPCXpresso IDE project files for the LPC1768 MCU. If you have an old version of the LPCXPresso IDE you may need to change the MCU setting to use LPC1769 if you have such an MCU, otherwise the IDE will complain about an unknown part when downloading code to the board.
Note: [B]It is however recommended that you instead of changing the MCU setting update the LPCXpresso IDE to the latest version. New versions of the IDE will download to an LPC1769 even if the project settings are for an LPC1768[/B].
==> This is false. The image is dowloaded but even with the latest version of LPCXpresso IDE we have to change the MCU setting for LPC1769, otherwise we meet issues such as slow running, 7-seg display nonsenses...
2) In EA Baseboard User Guide RevB page 20 "3.8 Demo Application" at the bottom, is written that:
Also note that J62 shall be in position 1-2 for LPC176x target boards (which is not the default position).
==> False again! If J62 is not left in the default position the melody expected to be played on the speaker while pushing SW3 won't play...
Well, I just wanted to notify that because I didn't find anything about it nowhere.