Content originally posted in LPCWare by ronkrem on Tue Jun 25 21:28:09 MST 2013
Ok. I found the problem. In this particular board, I am using the eeprom in the LPC11U35 to store an array of 1670 bytes. In V5 I can access the gdb traces in the console, and these are showing repeated attempts to read eeprom addresses. The text is scrolling, but the message loks like:
xxx-xxx xxx-break-insert --thread-group i1 <then the repeated line # in my eeprom.c module>.
Removing the eeprom.c file and commenting any accesses restores the debugger to its usual fast startup.
So it is associated withh eeprom access, but as the program has not yet started, I am at a loss to know why this occurs.