LPCXpresso 5.14 Debug LPC1778 Problem. Workround but not Resolved

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LPCXpresso 5.14 Debug LPC1778 Problem. Workround but not Resolved

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MikeSimmonds on Sat Jan 26 06:15:20 MST 2013
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1]I installed IDE 5.14.
[NB: It installed new USB drivers -- is this going to be a problem if I have to revert to 4.3]

With totally new empty work space, I made a new makefile project. It built without error.

So I tried to debug ...

The first error out of the bag is an error popup:
03: Failed on chip setup
  03: Failed on chip setup
  '-c' option not supported for NXP LPC177x/LPC178x.

This what caused me to bin 5 (5.0) last time I tried it.

However, either there is a new supplimentary popup with 5.14, or I paid more attention this time.
The details of the 2nd popup are
Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-target-select extended-remote | crt_emu_cm3_nxp -msg-port=3807 -g -mi -2 -c12000,120000 -pLPC1778 -vendor=NXP -wire=winUSBswd -flash-driver=LPC177x_8x_407x_8x_512.cfx
Error message from debugger back end:
Remote communication error.  Target disconnected.: No error.
Remote communication error.  Target disconnected.: No error

The console:
LPCXpresso Debug Driver v5.0 (Dec 18 2012 17:03:30 build 1101)
Looked for chip XML file in C:/Dev/NXP-5014/bin/LPC1778.xml
Looked for vendor directory XML file in C:/Dev/NXP-5014/bin/nxp_directory.xml
Found generic directory XML file in C:/Dev/NXP-5014/bin/crt_directory.xml
Emu(0): Conn&Reset. DpID: 2BA01477. Info: WIN64HS12
SWD Frequency: 3000 KHz. RTCK: False. Vector catch: False.
Packet delay: 0  Poll delay: 0.
NXP: LPC1778  Part ID: 0x27193F47
03: Failed on chip setup: Ee(22). '-c' option not supported for NXP LPC177x/LPC178x.

I deduce that the "Crystal (XTAL) frequency ..." item (in the Debug Launch properties) is causing this. Indeed, if I set this field to blank,
the debugger actually starts.
But there is (as seems usual) no documentation concerning this -- If I missed it, I apologise.

So: there is a workround, but dosn't the debugger need this speed info? IDE 4 seemed to imply that it did.

If the config item is not appropriate, as seems to be the case for LPC1778, it SHOULD BE GREYED OUT, or at least ignored.

All should have been well with the workround, but no ... The debugger crashed (quite politely) on the very first 'step'.

The details will be my next post.

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7 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Tue Jul 01 09:22:03 MST 2014
So, you are trying to regain debug access. Read this FAQ:


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by GabrielBerisch on Tue Jul 01 08:45:08 MST 2014

Situation: I have a custom board. I have connected to the board just a single time. When I ran into the EmacInit(), I lost the debug connection. I`ve found here several topics about that problem. But I haven`t found the solution. One thing I`ve read, is that the debugger should connect to the target with the internal clock. Because since the issue happens I can`t connect to my board. I the second thing: I do not know why I can`t run my program with emac (phy8720).

So I tried to set up 4Mhz internal clock (programming frequency).
I tried the code of the code red board (I have the code red board) and on the code red, everything is workling (uip_dhcp example code).

Best regards

Edit: I got this issue, when I am trying to connect to the board: "System rejected access at location 0xE000EDF0"
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Tue Jul 01 08:34:05 MST 2014
Please explain what it is you are trying to do, what you have tried, and what (if anything) fails, to gether with any error messages.

The XTAL etc setting was removed in LPCXpresso because it is no longer required.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by GabrielBerisch on Tue Jul 01 06:47:01 MST 2014
Does somebody set the crystal and pll in the "new" lpcexpresso ?

I`ve found on the code red page, how to handle this in an old version... Thing is... They write "Under "Script values", find the "Crystal (XTAL) and PLL value" option" ---> But there is no option. Does somebody know the command ?
My Script under project->rightclick->Debug(1)--->LPC Link-->Edit Script is:

set remotetimeout 60000
set mem inaccessible-by-default ${mem.access}
mon ondisconnect ${ondisconnect}
set arm force-mode thumb

would be nice, if somebody could write how to change these options, because I don`t know how to do it.
My Target is, connecting to the target with the internal IRC with 4Mhz.

Thanks and regards
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Sat Jan 26 13:57:15 MST 2013
In using LPCXpresso almost since the first release, on a variety of different parts, I have never  changed the default value. As the FAQ says


Sometimes it may be necessary to force the debugger to set the target clock frequency to enable a stable debug connection, or to enable to flash to be programmed successfully.

I take it to means only change the default if it doesn't work, I guess it is there in case it needs to be changed, not for you to change it.

So, I do not agree with you. Perhaps coderedsupport will comment?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MikeSimmonds on Sat Jan 26 13:34:16 MST 2013
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2]FallGuy, do I take this to mean that you concur that this field should have a valid
pair of speeds under LPCXpresso 5.14, which (in turn) makes the failure of the debug driver to accept this information into a bug rather than an ad hoc condition?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Sat Jan 26 10:46:31 MST 2013

Quote: MikeSimmonds
I deduce that the "Crystal (XTAL) frequency ..." item (in the Debug Launch properties) is causing this. Indeed, if I set this field to blank,
the debugger actually starts.
But there is (as seems usual) no documentation concerning this -- If I missed it, I apologise.

So: there is a workround, but dosn't the debugger need this speed info? IDE 4 seemed to imply that it did.


Read the FAQ?
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