Content originally posted in LPCWare by jcbailey on Mon Dec 28 11:07:52 MST 2015
Platform: Win 7 (virtual machine)
LPCXpresso v8.0.0 [Build 526] [2015-11-23]
I read the thread on debugging debugger issues: tried different USB cables, different ports on host
When the cmsis-dap firmware downloads I get 3 pop-up messages (from the host it appears, not the guest) about device already in use and must disconnect. This is quite unusual, I have re-checked and restarted things multiple times and the NXP device is definitely NOT connected to the host when I start booting debug pod. I do not see this sort of message with other USB devices running in virtual machines, something is out of the ordinary with your USB device initialization.
On Fedora 21 (also VM) I can use the boot_link2 script with success, but also with the pop-ups about "in use" and "must disconnect"
But no debugging possible due to the failure below (same win and linux)
Any suggestions?
Error in final launch sequence
Error: Error reported by server (redlinkserv.exe):
RedlinkAPI: Hardware interface transfer error
CMSIS-DAP has been terminated and will be restarted.
Please restart your debug session.
If the problem recurs, please power cycle your debug probe and restart LPCXpresso.
Error: Error reported by server (redlinkserv.exe):
RedlinkAPI: Hardware interface transfer error
CMSIS-DAP has been terminated and will be restarted.
Please restart your debug session.
If the problem recurs, please power cycle your debug probe and restart LPCXpresso.