Content originally posted in LPCWare by annodomini2 on Tue Jan 26 06:32:04 MST 2010
Quote: CodeRedSupport
I'm sorry for the problems you are having. We (CodeRed) have never tried using XPMode to run LPCXpresso, so have no experience of this. We have tried using VMWare and that does work (with the disconnect/reconnect to allow re-enumeration of USB).
However, I have one thing that you could try. From within XP mode, try using the script "bootLPCXpresso.cmd" which can be found in the bin/scripts directory. You may need to install the DFU drivers that can be found in Drivers/DFU (these are 32-bit only). If the boot succeeds, Windows will prompt you for a driver. Point it at the Drivers/LPC-Link directory and install the drivers (these are both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers).
If this all works, you should then be able to run LPCXpresso directly (i.e. not via XPMode).
If it doesn't work, I am afraid you will either have to use a 'proper' VM, or wait until NXP release suitable 64-bit drivers.
Hope that helps,
I'm not quite sure what you are saying run the script in XP Mode, but install the driver in Windows 7 64Bit?
Assuming this works, I assume I am still running the IDE from XP mode?
I get the impression that the 64Bit problem is the debugger interface and not the actual hardware driver.