Content originally posted in LPCWare by Pacman on Thu Jun 12 05:31:55 MST 2014
Thinking a bit more about this, I'd like to ask you some questions (that you do not have to answer here; they're just for your own consideration, before you run into a dead end)...
1: Is it really possible using the LCD controller, to "reverse" each line of the frame buffer ?
2: If you succeed in outputting the last line first and the first line last, are you aware that you need to mirror everything on the display then ?
3: If "taking control of the frame-buffer" means reversing it, so it's upside down; then instead of trying to reverse the frame-buffer; wouldn't it make much more sense to keep the frame buffer as is, and then draw everything inside it upside down ?
(Note: NXP experts might be able to answer question #1; if it is possible, I'd definitely be interested in knowing this).
... On the other hand, if you just mean that you're going to draw everything rotated 180 degrees on the screen; go ahead; I believe that's the best way to do it. ;)