Program only works when stepping through - LPCXpresso18S37

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Program only works when stepping through - LPCXpresso18S37

Contributor II

Hello, I am not very experienced in embedded systems and I need to develop a program on an LPCXpresso18S37 that is able to communicate with a Python script to send and receive data using UART and the DMA. I am using MCUXpresso IDE and LPCOpen library.


The communication is basically a series of byte exchanges, where the Python script sends commands, to which the MCU responds by performing specific actions.

For example : if the Python scripts sends command "1", the MCU will send it back as an ack, and then wait to receive 16-bytes of plaintext, which will be sent by the Python script, etc...


Here is my problem : when in debug mode and stepping through instructions, the program behaves as expected : bytes are received and sent properly, stored in designated memory.

However, whenever I run the program "full speed", without any breakpoints or without stepping instructions, things get weird and the programs starts behaving in a way I really can not understand : most of the data being sent or received seems to be lost.

I have spent a lot of time trying to debug or at least figure out what's going on, but, I admit, without great success...

I am using the DMA without interruptions, as a different buffer is fulled everytime.


I would gladly welcome any help or ideas. Thank you in advance.


Here is the code in question :


#if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
#if defined(NO_BOARD_LIB)
#include "chip.h"
#include "board.h"

#include <cr_section_macros.h>


uint8_t dmaChannelNumTx, dmaChannelNumRx;

FunctionalState  isDMATx = ENABLE;


static void App_DMA_Init(void)
    /* Initialize GPDMA controller */


static void App_DMA_DeInit(void)
    Chip_GPDMA_Stop(LPC_GPDMA, dmaChannelNumTx);
    Chip_GPDMA_Stop(LPC_GPDMA, dmaChannelNumRx);


//Send data via USART0 and DMA
void Send_DMA(uint8_t *data_array, uint32_t data_size, uint8_t dmaChannelNumTx)
    isDMATx = ENABLE;
                        (uint32_t) data_array,
                        GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2P_CONTROLLER_DMA, //Memory to peripheral
                        data_size) != SUCCESS) {}


void Receive_DMA(uint8_t *data_array, uint32_t data_size, uint8_t dmaChannelNumRx)
    isDMATx = DISABLE;
                        (uint32_t) data_array,
                        GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2M_CONTROLLER_DMA, //peripheral to memory
                        data_size) != SUCCESS) {}


int main(void) {


    #if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
    // Read clock settings and update SystemCoreClock variable


    #if !defined(NO_BOARD_LIB)


    // Set up and initialize all required blocks and
    // functions related to the board hardware


    //Initialise USART with 115200 baudrate, 8-bits length, no parity and 1-bit stop
    Chip_UART_SetBaud(LPC_USART0, 115200);





    //Setting up communication using DMA
                                UART_FCR_TX_RS | UART_FCR_DMAMODE_SEL | UART_FCR_TRG_LEV0));


    /* Init command, receiver and trasmitter buffers ------------------------*/
        uint8_t command[1];
        uint8_t RX_plaintext[16];
        uint8_t RX_key[16];
        uint8_t TX_ciphertext[16];
        command[0] = 0;

        dmaChannelNumTx = Chip_GPDMA_GetFreeChannel(LPC_GPDMA, GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Tx);
        dmaChannelNumRx = Chip_GPDMA_GetFreeChannel(LPC_GPDMA, GPDMA_CONN_UART0_Rx);


        //Receive and send back command
        Receive_DMA((uint8_t*) command, 1, dmaChannelNumRx);
        Send_DMA((uint8_t*) command, 1, dmaChannelNumTx);


           //Obey the command
                //Command to receive plaintext and send back first byte for ack
                case 1:
                    Receive_DMA((uint8_t*) RX_plaintext, 16, dmaChannelNumRx);
                    Send_DMA((uint8_t*) &RX_plaintext[0], 1, dmaChannelNumTx);
                    command[0] = 0;


                //Command to receive key and send back first byte for ack
                case 2:
                    Receive_DMA((uint8_t*) RX_key, 16, dmaChannelNumRx);
                    Send_DMA((uint8_t*) &RX_key[0], 1, dmaChannelNumTx);
                    command[0] = 0;


                //Command to XOR key and plaintext
                case 3:
                    for(int i = 0; i<16; i++)
                        TX_ciphertext[i] = RX_plaintext[i] ^ RX_key[i];
                    command[0] = 0;


                //Command to send ciphertext
                case 4:
                    Send_DMA((uint8_t*) TX_ciphertext, 16, dmaChannelNumTx);
                    command[0] = 0;








    return 0 ;

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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello  Can Poulique.

 As Con Verse said, how about your question now, you can contact us if still have any question about this case.

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Senior Contributor V

You program is just looping at the speed of the processor. You are not detecting if any data has actually arrived. You should really write this as an interrupt-driven application, so that an interrupt arrives when data is available to process (or has completed being sent). But if that is a bit advanced for you, you need to add something to chance that (valid) data has actually ben received.

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