Content originally posted in LPCWare by larsjep on Tue Oct 16 07:54:55 MST 2012
I'm sorry but I don't think this solves the problem.
I can see that you have changed the address mapping mode from (Bank, Row, Column) to (Row, Bank, Column)
When you do this the functions must be placed on different addresses to trig the problem.
I know this because my original application actully uses this addressing mode.
I havn't testet it yet, but tomorrow I will try to move the functions to the other addresses and see what happens.
If you would like to modifiy the example yourself you can see the other addresses below.
Best regards
Address high performance mode: 0x2800AC94
bank = 0x2, row = 0x015, column = 0x094
Address normal mode: 0x28402A94
Address high performance mode: 0x2800BA00
bank = 0x1, row = 0x017, column = 0x000
Address normal mode: 0x28202E00
Address high performance mode: 0x28015EEC
bank = 0x3, row = 0x02B, column = 0x0EC
Address normal mode: 0x286056EC
Address high performance mode: 0x28015E54
bank = 0x3, row = 0x02B, column = 0x054
Address normal mode: 0x28605654
Address high performance mode: 0x280D7A54
bank = 0x1, row = 0x1AF, column = 0x054
Address normal mode: 0x28235E54