Hello. I need to boot to hardware DFU USB0 from user app.
I found solution here: https://community.nxp.com/t5/LPC-Microcontrollers/REinvoke-ISP-IAP-with-LPC54608/m-p/987677
Problem is when i try to jump when USB cable is detached. Look:
i tried to launch IAP_ReinvokeISP(8, &s); inside loop, but it always return 10228. I want to launch dfu after cable attached, if it can`t before. So now i can launch dfu only if cable attached correctly.
Hi @dinartal
Many thanks for your patience, I just received the below feedback:
If you give the wrong parameter on Reinvoke ISP command, you should expect ERR_ISP_REINVOKE_ISP_CONFIG error.
If you give a the correct parameter while USBx is not connected or H/W is not ready, regardless you may get an error status or not, it's irrelevant, USBx may or may not work reliably when you issue the IAP call first and then connect.
Thus , the only correct sequence is, connect USBx first and make sure USBx works before making reinvoke ISP command to USBx.
All the best,
Hello @diego_charles
i am using hardware dfu located in ROM.
it is similar if you boot with pressed ISP0 and ISP2 buttons on dev board.
i don`t know how to check it`s version
Hi @dinartal
Thanks for your reply!
We could check the ROM bootloader version by calling the function IAP_ReadCodeBootVersion()
I will come back to you later with further feedback on your issue.
Diego .
It looks like minor version is 0 and major is 4865
Hi @dinartal
Many thanks for your reply ,
I just wanted to provide an update, letting you know that we are still checking this with our AE team.
I will let you know as soon we have more news.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hello @dinartal
Hope that you are doing well!
I think that I have replicated your error with my LPCxpresso54608 :
Could you please provide me the version of the bootloader that your LPC54618 has?
I am currently checking this, and I will get back to you.
All the best