Content originally posted in LPCWare by mch0 on Mon Oct 06 12:22:09 MST 2014
looks like these two bits define the bus access type that is generated on the AHB.
Whether the peripheral actually uses this information is a good question, though.
Bufferable would indicate that the write does not have to "go through" to the final destination immediately.
One target that could use this information is the EMC, particularly the SDRAM interface.
The SDRAM controller has local buffers for each of the four regions (see UM 22.8.4).
However, the write policy does not seem to be influenced by the "bufferable" information provided by the DMA.
It more or less seems to follow its own agenda acting like a mini-cache.
Since the UM is so sparse on information, I'd actually assume that this information has no influence whatsoever on the transaction(s) to any peripheral or bridge.
But I'm guessing here,