Ask for help on emwin demo on LPCXpresso 54628 board

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Ask for help on emwin demo on LPCXpresso 54628 board

3,692 次查看
Contributor III

Hi there,

I am using the LPCXpresso 54628 demo board and tried a few demo apps. They are all good. But when I get started with emwin demo. No matter in debug mode or downloading it to the flash, the LCD doesn't display anything, no reaction at all. I don't know what is going on. It is my first time to use this demo board.

Any hint to provide? Thanks.

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

Could you please tell me more information about the behavior you are facing, for example: 

  • Which revision is your development board? 
  • Are you trying the demos provided within the SDK?
  • Which examples of the SDK are you trying? 



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

1. The revision of the board is Eval Brd Rev E.

2. Yes, I tried a few demos from SDK v2.4.1 for LPCXpresso54628, including hello_world, hello_world_virtual_com and shell. They all look good. The tool chain I'm using is MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.1.

3. The emwin demos that I tried are lpcxpresso54628_touch_cursor and lpcxpresso54628_emwin_touch_and_draw. Both of them do not respond anything.

Is there any special setting for the LPCXpresso54628 board to run emwin demos? Please have a check with this revision of the board. Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

What do you mean with both of them do not respond anything? When you flash the projects touch_and_draw/touch_cursor  the LCD remains white? If you exit the debug session and reset the board, does the LCD remain the same? 

There aren't any special settings you need to set on the board to run the emwin demos. Did you move any of the default jumpers/connections? I recommend you checking the board user manual to see if you move any of the default settings.  



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

"Both of them do not respond anything" means the LCD remains as it was, neither showing any color nor displaying anything. That is, the LCD has no reaction at all.

I didn't change any settings for the jumpers. They are all in the default settings. 

But I feel that one thing looks weird. When I leave JP5 open, which is the default setting, D10 will be toggling at 1 Hz rate, never stops. When I gets it installed, D10 never toggles. However in both situations the LCD does not react for anything., remaining as it was. Does that mean the boot process fails? If so, how come the other apps can work, and what should I do?

Could you please check with YOUR LPCXpresso54628 board to see if it works fine?

Thank your very much!

Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

I tried both examples you mentioned before (touch_cursor and emwin_touch_and_draw) on a revision E board and I didn't face any problems, everything went as expected.

Let's update the firmware of the Link2 on your board to the newest available to see if this is causing the behavior you reported. For this please follow the next steps: 

  • Download and install the newest version of LPCScypt 2.0, you can download it from the next link.
  • Put your board in DFU mode by installing JP5. Once JP5 is installed do a power cycle to reset the board.
  • Go to the following path on your PC and open the script: <LPCScrypt Install Dir>\scripts\program_JLINK
  • Press any key to run the script. You will see the following once the script runs successfully. 


Note: If you see that the script remains in LPCScrypt target booted step as shown below, please rest your board by pressing SW1 (without closing the script). After making this the script should run without any problems. 


  • Once you installed the newest firmware of J-Link remove JP5 and make a power cycle to your board.
  • Finally, enter the debug session on MCUXpresso with this new firmware and run the project.

Note: Since you just update the firmware of the debug probe you need to delete the current debug probe on MCUXpresso Project Explorer window. 


Please let me know the results on your side. 

Hope it helps!



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

Thanks to your suggestion, after doing that the firmware of Link2 was updated. When I tried the demos one of them works, which is emwin_touch_and_draw. But the characters and the lines displayed on the screen are too vague, too dim that I can hardly see them. 

Is there any way to make the screen a little lighter?

Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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2,840 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

As mentioned before on my side everything worked as expected. I was wondering if you could attach a photo of the display.



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

Do you have any update for this issue?

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,


Sorry for the late reply. It seems that the problem you are facing is due to the backlight of the LCD. I modified the example gpio_led_ output from the SDK to toggle the backlight of the LCD. I just sent you this example to your email, please try it and confirm if you see that the backlight of the LCD is toggling. 

For further communication please reply here. 




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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

After building and downloading or debugging, unfortunately, I couldn’t see anything on the LCD. It is as it was. It looks like nothing happened.

Is it possible that it has any physical damage associated to the LCD module?

Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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2,840 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

Yes it seems that something associated with the LCD module it's damage. Please go to the following link to submit a warranty request. 



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

As per your suggestion I have got a new 54628 demo board and the demo app on the LCD runs well. Thank you very much!

May I get the factory demo app source code or the binaries in case I screw it up when I try other demos? I couldn't find it anywhere on nxp website. It seems only that for 54608 is available.


Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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2,839 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

I'm glad to hear that you got a new LPC54628 demo board! I'm not sure I understood correctly your last request, do you want the binary of the out of the box demo? 



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

Binaries are good for me. I don't think it is easy to get the source code from a third party company. If possible, could you please send me the binaries for the LPC54628 out of the box demo, not for 54608 through my email? 

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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2,840 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Lei,

Embedded Wizard offer a free evaluation version of the tools that are used to generate this demo. 

The same code for LPC54608 runs unchanged on LPC54628: LPC546xx - Embedded Wizard 

For more info on their tool you can watch this webinar:

Embedded Wizard for LPC546xx|NXP 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

The out of the box demo is from embedded wizard,  please refer to the following page to learn how to download and flash these examples. Getting started with NXP: LPCXpresso54628 



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

Any update for my questions?

Thank you!

Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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2,840 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

Sorry for the late response.

It's possible to change the LCD of the evaluation board. You just need to keep in mind the current signals that the LCD it's using, for this you need to refer the schematic of the EVK, page 7 (link to download the schematics). If the LCD that you are planning to put on the board use the same signals or less, you won't have any problems to make the change.

Additionally, I recommend you check the following application note (link). In the pdf file AN12027, you will find information on how to connect a TFT LCD with LCD controller of LPC MCU.



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2,840 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Victor,

Thank you very much! I have two more questions as below.

1. May I have an instruction on how to remove the LCD screen from the board LPC54628?

2. What is the lifespan for this board? That is, for how many years we can find this board available for purchase?


Best regards,

Lei Peng

Best regards,
Lei Peng
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2,840 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Lei Peng,

Unfortunately, we don't have an instruction set on how to remove the LCD from the evaluation board. Due to this is not the intended use of the EVK. 

I'm currently investigating the second question.

Have you considered developing your own board? In the page of the evaluation board, we provide the schematics, BOM and Gerber files of the board. This way you could attach the screen you want and use just the pins needed for this particular LCD.  



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