Can't Import KDS Project and use 'Copy Projects into Workspace'

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Can't Import KDS Project and use 'Copy Projects into Workspace'

Contributor III

I created a project that was based on the lptmr example for the freedom KL03Z board.  When I did the import originally, I checked the box Copy projects into workspace which made sense as I didn't want to mess up the original files.  However, the project won't compile and gives errors when imported with the Copy projects into workspace box checked.  I ended up importing with this box unchecked but now I've altered my board files, all other KL03 examples I import are broken as the board files are common to all the examples.

Is there a way to work around this?

11 返答(返信)

Contributor III

It would be nice if there was a simple way (that actually worked) of importing one of the examples from KSDK v2.0 into a standalone project, so that you can modify it freely without fear of messing up the original SDK files.

Contributor II

If my suggestion is implemented, it should make it possible (by making paths stable and not relative).

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Contributor III

In other words, the only way to clone an SDK project in a directory outside of the SDK tree (for instance, in the workspace directory), is to create a standalone project (and select the parent directory to be the location where you want the project to live) and then move over the files from the SDK project you want to clone.  At least that is the only way I could get it to build.


This is because both the 'Generate standalone project' as well as the 'Project Parent Directory' controls are disabled for the 'Clone' type of projects.

Anyone has a better way to do this?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

there is document that clones a ksdk project by modifying project settings. not sure if this can help.

How to start customized KSDK project based on KSDK demo code

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Ted

If you use SDK2.0 to develop project, I think you can follow up the procedure:

1)build the SDK package based on the Kinetis processor you are using

2)download the SDK package to a directory, unzip the package to another directory.

3)use KDS 3.0 tools, click File->New->Kinetis SDK2.x project, then input the project file name and "Browse" to the directory you just unzip to

it is okay, all the file are copied to new project.

I attach the screenshot.

Hope it can help you.


Xiangjun Rong

Contributor III

Xiangjun, thanks for the suggestion of using KSDK 2.0 but last time I looked, it didn't support the KL03 processor I am using.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Ted,

you can use KSDK project generator to clone a project for KSDK1.3.



Hope this helps.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

You can use the same process and select KSDK 1.3. I think everything else should work as described.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ted,

To further add some feedback, this discussion provides more details on why “Copy Projects into Workspace” causes build errors with KSDK examples: No Rule to Make Target error

Like David and Jamie already shared, you can use the KSDK Project Generator to clone a board, and then modify for your hardware without interfering with the original frdmkl03z board files.


0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ted,

Copying to workspace in general is a pain and not recommended.

There is a project generation tool (it can copy projects too):

New Kinetis SDK Project Generator v2 is available!

I recommend using that tool and then import the project without copy to workspace.



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Contributor II

The Advanced settings for the project generator also allow you to create a "standalone" project. This creates a complete directory structure that you can copy to a different location - although you still can't use the "Copy into workspace" option because the standalone project still uses links to the files.

The other thing you can do with the new versions of KSDK is to create a custom version for just your taregt device and just the development system you are using. That make it much easier to have a working copy of the example sources that is only used by your project. So it won't break anything else when you make changes.

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