Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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You probably have heard of what's new on Kinetis side of the house. YES, talking about KL02, measuring only 1.9mm x 2.0mm. Take a look at the picture in which this powerful ARM based chip gets compared real scale, and being this tiny yet delivers 60 percent more GPIO than the nearest competing MCU. :smileygrin:!!!
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for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire and Kinetis MCUs by: Pavel Lajsner, Pavel Krenek, Petr Gargulak Freescale Czech System Center Roznov p.R., Czech Republic The developer's serial bootloader offers to user easiest possible way how to update existing firmware on most of Freescale microcontrollers in-circuit. In-circuit programming is not intended to replace any of debuging and developing tool but it serves only as simple option of embedded system reprograming via serial asynchronous port or USB. The developer’s serial bootloader supported microcotrollers includes 8-bit families HC08, HCS08 and 32-bit families ColdFire, Kinetis. New Kinetis families include support for K series and L series. This application note is for embedded-software developers interested in alternative reprogramming tools. Because of its ability to modify MCU memory in-circuit, the serial bootloader is a utility that may be useful in developing applications. The developer’s serial bootloader is a complementary utility for either demo purposes or applications originally developed using MMDS and requiring minor modifications to be done in-circuit. The serial bootloader offers a zero-cost solution to applications already equipped with a serial interface and SCI pins available on a connector. This document also describes other programming techniques: FLASH reprogramming using ROM routines Simple software SCI Software for USB (HC08JW, HCS08JM and MCF51JM MCUs) Use of the internal clock generator PLL clock programming EEPROM programming (AS/AZ HC08 families) CRC protection of serial protocol option NOTE: QUICK LINKS The Master applications user guides: Section 10, Master applications user guides. The description of Kinetis version of protocol including the changes in user application: Section 7, FC Protocol, Version 5, Kinetis. The quick start guide how to modify the user Kinetis application to be ready for AN2295 bootloader: Section 7.8, Quick guide: How to prepare the user Kinetis application for AN2295 bootloader.
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To do: Same as exercise 5 but now with interrupts.   In this exercise, you realize a windscreen wiper with the Tower. The LEDs simulate the moving wiper by running from left to right and back again. The user interface is simple: With pushbutton1, the time delay interval is increased in steps of 1 second starting from 5 seconds delay down to 1 second and further to continuous wiping. With pushbutton2 the delay is decreased in the same way. If the delay is decreased, the wiper should start immediately, because right now there is a need for wiping. This is not true for increasing the delay. In this case, wait till the current delay time is over, set the new delay. In technical terms: Use asynchronous interval reset for decrease and synchronous reset for increase.   Use the timer and the port interrupts for the pushbuttons in this Kinetis exercise.   Result: Original Attachment has been moved to:
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For Jorge_Gonzalez Subject: MKE04 interrupt latency in Kinetis microcontrollers This is the code I was using to measure interrupt latency. David Hollinrake
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Gracias a la excelente respuesta por parte de los concursantes, les informamos que daremos a conocer los proyectos finalistas el próximo martes 26 de Noviembre de 2013, a través de la comunidad Freescale y redes sociales; recibimos proyectos con gran potencial que aún están siendo evaluados por nuestros jueces. A continuación te compartimos los criterios a evaluar: • Alineación con las tendencias del futuro (Salud y Seguridad, Efecto Net,Going Green) • Creatividad • Innovación • Utilidad de la aplicación • Beneficio ambiental potencial para el uso del producto. Los finalistas seleccionados tendrán la oportunidad de presentar su prototipo en el evento Freescale Cup 2013 el día 7 de Diciembre de 2013 en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara; donde el proyecto ganador será elegido por los asistentes al evento, a través de la comunidad Freescale y redes sociales. Recuerda que el ganador viajará con todos los gastos pagados al Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) en Dallas, Texas. Mantente atento el próximo martes 26 de Noviembre de 2013 y descubre los proyectos finalistas, tú puedes ser uno de ellos.
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Using a MK70FN1M0VMJ15 processor with MII and ADC2_SE16 enabled. Also using Codewarrior 10.6 and MQX4.022. Anytime I initialize the ADC2_SE16 the webserver stops working. I have delayed the initialization of the ADC2_SE16 and found that webserver works fine till initialization. I have also noticed that when the ADC2_SE16 is initialized first the webserver never gets link active. My question is that even though these are different ports and no pin is shared could the possibly be affecting each other? Hi Lee: I have been looking for information related to this problem but at this moment I have not find anything, In this case I would like to know if you are using a development board from Freescale or if you are using a custom board? Have a nice day, Perla Moncada ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a custom board, with MII setup instead of RMII. I am concerned that it may be a chip issue, and have no real way to test that possibility with the Development board. This document was generated from the following discussion: 
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Today the universal motor is still widely used in home appliances such as vacuum cleaners, washers, hand tools, and food processors. The operational mode, which is used in this application, is closed loop and regulated speed. This mode requires a speed sensor on the motor shaft. Such a sensor is usually an incremental sensor or a tachometer generator. The kind of motor and its drive have a high impact on many home appliance features like cost, size, noise, and efficiency. Electronic control is usually necessary when variables speed or energy savings are required. MCUs offer the advantages of low cost and attractive design. They can operate with only a few external components and reduce the energy consumption as well as the cost. This circuit was designed as a simple schematic using key features of a Kinetis L MCU. For demonstration purposes, the Freescale low cost Freedom KL25z development platform was used. This application note describes the design of a low-cost phase angle motor control drive system based on Freescales’s Kinetis L series microcontroller (MCU) and the MAC4DC snubberless triac. The low-cost single-phase power board is dedicated for universal brushed motors operating from 1000 RPMs to 15,000 RPMs. This application note explains both HW and SW design with an ARM Kinetis L series MCU. Such a low-cost MCU is powerful enough to do the whole job necessary for driving a closed loop phase angle system as well as many others algorithms.        -Freedom development platform with universal motor drive board extension The phase angle control technique is used to adjust the voltage applied to the motor. A phase shift of the gate’s pulses allows the effective voltage, seen by the motor, to be varied. All required functions are performed by just one integrated circuit and a small number of external components. This allows a compact printed circuit board (PCB) design and a cost-effective solution. Learn more about the Kinetis L series Freedom Board Get the full application note in the link bellow:
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