Linkage issue when adding a component with PEX under KDS

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Linkage issue when adding a component with PEX under KDS

Contributor II


Starting a new project based on TWR-K64F120, we decided to use KDS (1.3.0) with KSDK (3.0.0) and Processor Expert (PEX). After some try and errors, I understood how it worked and managed to add MQX_STANDARD, a few tasks (OS_Task), the watchdog (fsl_wdog), the Ethernet driver (fsl_enet) and the CRC module (fsl_crc). It started well until I used PEX to add the component fsl_dspi, this caused the following linkage error:

arm-none-eabi-g++: error: ./Generated_Cde/crc16_CCITT.o: No such file or directory

This is related to the CRC module (fsl_crc) which builds correctly. If I disable the fsl_dspi component in PEX, the linkage error goes away so it is not related to fsl_crc. I don't have any clues about the reason why the linker can't find the existing file when adding the fsl_dspi component but it's obviously related to that addition.

For the info, here is the make command (with spaces replaced by EOL to make it more readable):

















































1 解決策
Contributor II

I finally found out thanks to another post in the NXP 's community: KDS Static Library Project - Another Bug Report - Need Fix , the given solution links to the following blog post: Solving the 8192 Character Command Line Limit on Windows | MCU on Eclipse which describes the problem as coming from the tools being limited to 8192 characters. In summary: download the most recent tools: GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools releases and replace echo.exe/make.exe/rm.exe in KDS installation folder.


3 返答(返信)
Contributor II

I'm getting confused: not knowing how to tackle the problem, I started a new project, added some components under Processor Expert (fsl_crc, fsl_dspi, 1 OS_Task and fsl_gpio) and I managed to create a working project. The only thing I can think about is that there were more components on my initial project than there is in this small test project.

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Contributor II

I finally found out thanks to another post in the NXP 's community: KDS Static Library Project - Another Bug Report - Need Fix , the given solution links to the following blog post: Solving the 8192 Character Command Line Limit on Windows | MCU on Eclipse which describes the problem as coming from the tools being limited to 8192 characters. In summary: download the most recent tools: GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools releases and replace echo.exe/make.exe/rm.exe in KDS installation folder.

Contributor II

It seems to be a deeper problem that I originally thought. Today, taking off the fsl_dspi component doesn't allow me to build but generates an error on the watchdog (fsl_wdog).

arm-none-eabi-g++: error: ./Generated_Code/watchdog1o: No such file or directory

The module is built, the object file does exist. The exact same result which happened yesterday with another component, however, today I cannot get the linker to succeed by taking off the fsl_dspi component. I'm lost.

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