Let´s start with KSDK!

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Let´s start with KSDK!

Let´s start with KSDK!

What is it KSDK?

= Kinetis Software Development Kit

Kinetis SDK v2 is a collection of comprehensive software enablement for NXP Kinetis Microcontrollers that includes:

system startup

peripheral drivers

USB and connectivity stacks


Real-time operating system (RTOS) kernels.

Documents – Release Note, API Reference Manual, Getting Started with KSDK, for USB – User Guide, USB Composite Device Guide, USB Device Reference Manual and USB Host Reference Manual. All these documents is possible to find at Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|NXP or <ksdk_path>\SDK_2.0_selected_device\docs

KSDK Structure Diagram


KSDK Features

ARM® and DSP standard libraries, and CMSIS-compliant device header files which provide direct access to the peripheral registers

Open-source peripheral drivers

Open-source RTOS wrapper driver

Real time operation systems (RTOS) including FreeRTOS OS, μC/OS-II, and μC/OS-III

Stacks and middleware in source or object formats including:

CMSIS-DSP -  a suite of common signal processing functions

FatFs - a FatFile System for small embedded systems

mmCAU - Memory-Mapped Cryptographic Acceleration Unit

SDMMC - software component supporting SD Cards and eMMC

DMA Manager - software component used for managing on-chip DMA channel resources

mbedTLS and WolfSSL - cryptographic SSL/TLS libraries

lwIP and USB Stack - a light-weight TCP/IP stack

KSDK Evolution


KSDK v1/v2 – what new features KSDK 2.0 brings

MQX Kernel removed from KSDK -> focus on FreeRTOS

MQX RTCS Ethernet and MFS File System Stacks -> lwIP and FatFS

OSA, Power Manager and Clock Manager -> no longer required by the drivers

USB Stack re-write -> BSD licensed solution

No platform library -> single project with all needed files

Mbed TLS now included as part of the accelerated cryptography drivers

Eliminates separate HAL and Peripheral Driver -> single driver for each peripheral

Processor Expert -> Kinetis Expert Tool

Updates for KDS -> via online update tool

Installation of KSDK -> KEX Tool (smaller download & sizes)

KEX Tool -> pin muxing selection & generation, clock configuration, low power estimation


Simplified folder structure



KSDK highlights & benefits

Collection of software enablement offered by free

KSDK is fully supported in these IDE:

Atollic® TrueSTUDIO®

GNU toolchain for ARM® Cortex® -M with CMake build system

IAR Embedded Workbench


Kinetis Design Studio IDE

KSDK supports most of Kinetis MCUs

Created examples for drivers, USB, RTOS, demo applications

Start with development without device register knowledge

Support & download


Official support of KSDK:

Kinetis Software Development Kit

Create new SR according to:

How to submit a new question for NXP Support

More about KSDK...

KSDK Official Website


Introducing Kinetis SDK v2


Kinetis SDK 2.0 Transition Guide

Kinetis SDK 2.0 Transition Guide

KSDK Community


Let´s continue in reading! See Let´s start with FreeMASTER!

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‎04-28-2016 02:44 AM