I would like to use the MMA8451 with the K64 and kinetis sdk 1_3 on Atollic True Studio.
For this, I am using the I2C_DRV_MasterSendDataBlocking and I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataBlocking drivers provided by NXP.
Probing with the oscilloscope looks like the write and read commands are senti correctly, but I have the wrong reply from the read data.
Code provided fro reading a single register:
i2c_status_t MMA8451_ReadReg(uint8_t slave_register, uint8_t *data, short dataSize) {
i2c_status_t res;
uint8_t cmd = slave_register;
res = I2C_DRV_MasterSendDataBlocking(I2C0_IDX,&accel_bus_device,0,0,&cmd,1,5);
res = I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataBlocking(I2C0_IDX,&accel_bus_device,0,0,data, 1,5);
return res;
Maybe I should take care of the autoincrement? Or the ack and nack and repeated start have to be managed in a different way?
If you need a solution for the K64 and MMA8451 (or FXOS8700CQ) you an get it from the Open Source uTasker project. It allows non-blocking I2C operation which will improve efficiency (at the same time as USB, TCP/IP etc.).
Kinetis: http://www.uTasker.com/kinetis.html
- http://www.uTasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-K64F.html <--- with accelerometer reference
- http://www.uTasker.com/kinetis/TWR-K64F120M.html
- http://www.uTasker.com/kinetis/TEENSY_3.5.html
- http://www.uTasker.com/kinetis/Hexiwear-K64F.html
Hello Mark,
Thanks for your quick reply and sorry for my late reply.
I was looking for a bare-metal implementation, this is why I was focusing on the kinetis sdk.
BTW, switching to the SDK2.0 on MCUExpresso solved the issue, and I was able to communicate easily with the accelerometer.
Thanks and B.R.