Hello, Community,
I am having a problem with getting the Flexcan tx/rx functioning. I am using the latest version of MCUXpresso (11.6.1), with the SDK_2_11_0_MK64FX512xxx12 loaded and a target board using the MK64FX512VLL12 micro. I am running in debugger mode using the OpenSDA Link Services. I have set the tx/rx to use both loopback transfer examples with ISR and the callback function method from the examples, and set up the initializations to happen in the generated periferals.c file. I am working on classic CAN Extended ID priject and conducting my testing using a CAN network with a CANalyzer. testing at 250K bitrate - I verified the timing is correct on the scope and keep getting a stuff bit or Rx error. When tracing the code,the execution is returning a 5310 status error on the transmit callback, and it appears that the interrupts are not working - I am using the routines in the flexcan_loopback_transfer example.c that uses the non blocking transfer functions. I even tried a hypbrid using the callback method for the tx and the ISR method from the flexcan_loopback.c routines for the ISR based rx. In my configuration I have tx set up as mb0 and rx mb1 to 11 set up for extended ID as I am building a J1939 framework example ID 0x18FFA080. My recent testing - I also noticed that upon starting the debugger session and stepping through the first tx attempt it appears to go through then after that the tx message buffer allways returns status = kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy; from the status_t FLEXCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking function in fsl_flexcan.c . I have even tried to clear the mb interrup flag, diasable the mb interrupt and try a standard id message but always returns the busy status. another opservation is that it apperas that the extended id masking macros may be corrupting the .id in the frame structure. I have submitted a help ticket and still have gotten no response, so maybe my friends in the community may be able to offer some insight. Thank you in advance...
This case is a clone, and I will be following your case in the other, if you have any questions, please redirect to that.
Best regards,