New to implementing network interfaces I'm seeking guidance on where to start.
I am currently using KDS to develop a PE project around the KL25z (but i am thinking about splitting it into 2 KL05z working together so, interested in solutions for both of these).
I simply want to add Ethernet connectivity but can't find suitable component in PE. Nor can I find example in SDK.
A nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
You could use an external Ethernet chip with the KL25Z, I have done this with Processor Expert, see FRDM with Arduino Ethernet Shield R3, Part 3: Embedded Web Server | MCU on Eclipse
I hope this helps,
Hi Erich,
I have downloaded codewarrior and imported your project successfully.
I am trying to understand RTOS. I've written concurrent programs before but I'm having trouble finding where the variable AppTask is defined. It is used in the first line of APP_Run.
I presume that this is a pointer to the user-defined process that contains the infinite loop. But how does it get a value?
Hi Dan,
maybe have a look at the ressources on the FreeRTOS web site (FreeRTOS - Quick start guide ) which has all the documentation and tutorials.
As for the AppTask(): this is a FreeRTOS task, and if you want to pass an argument it, it has a pointer to void which you can use for this. See This page describes the RTOS xTaskCreate() FreeRTOS API function which is part of the RTOS task cont... .
I hope this helps,
Thanks Erich,
I have downloaded recommended documents and begun reading. In the meantime I have a few other questions...
Arduino Ethernet shield is no longer manufactured. I found a supplier who claimed to have some so I ordered one. When it arrived I realised it was a copy called IDUINO.
It appears to be a faithful copy of the Arduino. I opted to leave the 6 pin header in but simply hooked enamelled wires around the exposed parts of the posts. Continuity tests proved connections correct and no shorts.
No MAC address is given with the device.
Q1: Do you know if anyone else used this IDUINO etherent shield and are there any pitfalls I should be aware of?
Q2: What can I do about finding the MAC address?
I've inserted a brand new Verbatim 8 GB micro SD card.
I've downloaded and installed the very latest Processor Expert components and compiled the project.
There are 2 warnings:
When I run the project, Termite displays the following:
ERROR: mount failed: (11) The logical drive number is invalid
*** Failed or unknown command: app mount
*** Type help to get a list of available commands
CMD> FRTOS1 ; Group of FRTOS1 commands
help|status ; Print help or status information
tasklist ; Print tasklist
ETH Shell
CLS1 ; Group of CLS1 commands
help|status ; Print help or status information
app ; Group of app commands
help|status ; print help or status information
mount|unmount ; mount or unmount file system
TmDt1 ; Group of TmDt1 commands
help|status ; Print help or status information
time [hh:mm:ss[,z]] ; Set the current time. Prints the current time if no argument
date [] ; Set the current date. Prints the current date if no argument
dateToSec <datetime> ; Convert date/time int UNIX timestamp (seconds after 1970)
secToDate <secs> ; Convert UNIX timestamp to date/time
FAT1 ; Group of FAT1 commands
help|status ; Print help or status information
cd [<directoryName>] ; Change the current directory or display the name of the current directory
dir [<directoryName>] ; Prints a directory
copy <src> <dst> ; Copy a file
delete <filename> ; Delete a file
create <filename> ; Create a file
mkdir <directory> ; Create a directory
rename <src> <dst> ; Rename a file
print <filename> ; Print a file
printhex <filename> ; Print a file as hexdump
printsector <number> ; Print disk sector
diskinfo ; Print disk information
w5100 ; Group of w5100 commands
help|status ; Print help or status information
CMD> Reset W5100.
Configure network.
Loading values from config.ini
Configure RX/TX memory.
Running web server...
Q3: Can you offer me any insight or solution to getting the file system to mount please?
Thanks for your prompt, unstinting and invaluable help so far. Please never leave.
Hi Dan,
Q1: I don't know that board, but as long as it is compatible, you should be able to use it. I have other clones like that one working. I suggest you compare the schematics if they are really compatible.
Q2: why do you need it?
Q3: As for the SD card: is your card properly formatted? I'm using the FatFS from Elm Chan, see FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module
I hope this helps,
Thanks Erich,
This is the direction I am leaning toward.
Hello Dan,
The kenitis L series product doesn't support Ethernet module :
Kinetis L Series Microcontrollers - Arm® Cortex™-M0+ Core|NXP
You can choose some of Kinetis K series , for example K64:
There is "Ethernet_LDD" component under Processor Expert, also there is Ethernet demo project
under latest SDK2.3:
under SDK2.3 package for FRDM-K64:
Hope it helps
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Thanks Alice. I'll check them out.