Gui Guider shows white screen (at least once a day)

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Gui Guider shows white screen (at least once a day)

Contributor II


I've been working with Gui Guider (1.4.1-GA) for about 3 weeks now on 3 different Windows PC's (all Windows 10). At least 1 time a day I get a white screen and need to kill the application. It is still responsive (I get the annoying confirmation if I really want to exit the aplication as a popup on the white screen).

I've seen several posts about this issue but no real solution. Does not seem hard to reproduce since it happens with all kinds of different actions: go to a different sceen, add an event, add an image, etc

Not feeling comfortable with an application that flips all of a sudden

Any hints?

kind regards



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8 返答(返信)

Contributor II

For those who struggle with white screens as well, I hereby update this post with the reply from Ramon (his reply on the NXP case 00509127). Reversing the order of events (as Ramon suggests) indeed solved the problem of 'running into 'random' white screens while using the Gui Guider tool.

Summary: in case you use 2 types of events at the same time, make sure to define the 'Pressed' event first, then the 'Released' event

>>> RAMON <<<

I had the opportunity to review your project and in this time I was able to find the problem. I noticed when we use more than one event the order matters, to avoid the white screen the event with custom code should be first and then others.
I never seen this error before, anyway I will report this bug to our development team.
This order in the events will trigger with screen


With this order the problem is solved.



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Contributor II

Dear Ramon,

  • no spaces in the path
  • installer comes from the licensed location

I'm not reporting errors in the simulation tool, I'm reporting very frequent white screens in the Gui Guider application. Today 4 times at one PC, 1 time at another. Switching GUI windows (I have a project with 3 windows now) is the perfect recepy for turning the application into a white screen. Copy and paste? Another recepy for failure.

You want me to sent my Gui Guider project to you so you can test? This is an unstable application, for sure

kind regards




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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Dear @PragmaLab,

Sorry for the inconvenience, I understand perfectly your problem but I'm not able to reproduce this error, I already put 5 different windows, adding buttons, events, Switching GUI windows, running simulation and it is still working well, for sure you can share your project to review it. thanks for your comments.

I already report your problem with our collogues.

kind regards.



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Contributor II

Dear Ramon,

thanks for bothering. This morning I worked for half an hour adding buttons and labels wihtou any problems. Just when I tried to copy C-code (event) from a button in a window to a button on another window, the sreen went white:

  • go to a window
  • select the event tab from a button
  • copy the C-code there
  • go to a different window -> white screen

Can I sent you my project by mail?

Again, thanks for looking into this matter. I'm developing a display module on a IMXRT1052 and that is going to take a while (rather big GUI). So far working with the Gui Guider tool is okay and I'm discovering how to integrate the generated code with my own user code (some suggestions for improvement though but that is another topic). The white screens makes it uncomfortable to work with the tool so it would be great that we can try to find out what causes this.

Kind regards





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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Dear Rob,

I'm so sorry, I tried following those steps and nothing GUI-Guider still working well.

Is a good idea send your project and record a little video as evidence, but you need open an ticket to be able of attach files and multimedia in Confidential assistance with an NXP support professional. In the following link:

As suggestion about integrate GUI-Guider with your own project please check the following page: Getting Started with GUI Guider | NXP Semiconductors

I hope this information help you!

Kind Regards.


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Contributor II

Dear Ramon,

I just created a case on the NXP support platform about the 'Gui Guider turning white' issue.

It was filed under case #00509127 and I uploaded my current project. I left out my git-repo and the content of the Debug folder.

Hope this can help you to find the cause of the white screens (this morning I had the first one after 5 minutes in the Gui Guider tool).

Thanks in advance for your time and effort

kind regards,


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Contributor II

Dear Ramon,

It's not that there is a 100% method to end up with a white GUI screen. Sorry if I gave you that impression. White screens show up unexpected after performing actions that before did not result in a white screen. That's makes it even worse as a matter of fact. After all the white screens I encountered in the last few weeks, I still don't know exactly what triggers them, except that switching windows and using Copy and Paste seems to make it worse. I'll create a ticket for this and upload my current project. Would be great if you could have a look and figure out what is going on. 

Thanks for the video-hint about starting with Gui Guider. Be aware that the video's shows a complete different approach for using a Gui Guider project in the MCUXpresso IDE then the Manual explains (I use the method described in the Manual which works fine).

C-code integration goes way beyond the stuff that is showed in the video. I'm working on the develpoment of API for the last few weeks to communicate between an application CPU (LPC5411)  and the GUI CPU (IMXRT1052) that takes care of the display. I want my application CPU to give the GUI CPU commands like:

  • change an image on the display
  • change the text of label on the display
  • show/hide a gui object
  • generate an event for a keypress on the display
  • etc

That's quite challenging since LVGL does not allow interfacing on every level with every object. It's also challenging since Gui Guider overwites files and does not support the use of placeholders that would preserve user code in generated files. Still working on this...

Kind regards,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Sorry for the inconvenience I've been trying to reproduce the problem on windows 10 PC, but I was not be able to get that issue, here  two recommendations:

I hope this information help you, please let me know if you have any other question.

Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.

Best regards,

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