need help for M52233demo

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need help for M52233demo

Contributor I
hi, my work is to predesign the MCU lab using assembly for undergraduate student. The development kit is MCUSLK and the application module is M52233DEMO board. There are three main difficulty for me now.
First, I installing the M52233DEMO application module in the MCU PORT connector and connect the 4 UART PIN from application module to PBMCUSLK. Power of both board are set to supplied by PBMCUSLK's USB. But when USB begin to supply power, the RST_LED light and keep /.......jiao(sounds from PBMCUSLK).From terminal window, it seems sending "spacing" at all time. When I turn on the ON/OFF switch on M52233, it begin to initialize and work ......zhengchang. Is there sth wrong with the power?
Second, the LED on PBMCUSLK is so light(an...) that hard to see. I test the voltage of LCD, it's 4.73,not reaching 5V. How can I deal with that. And is there some documents related to how to drive the LCD using coldfire microcontroller?
Third, because I have to programming by assembly, I add an ".s" file and define the main. Every runs well except variable define. For example,
     #define main _main
     .global _main
     .global main
     kk: .long 35

     move.l  #0,d6
     move.l kk,d3
When running, it stop by "Exception vector name: Illegal Instruction PC where the excption happened: 2004AC8" and the debug window is show as follow. Is the EFL assembly can not regonize this kind of define?
20004AC8: E8FE            dc.w     0xe8fe                  ; Invalid opcode
20004ACA: 7E79            moveq    #121,d7
20004ACC: FBE7E144        dc.w     0xfbe7                  ; Invalid opcode
20004AD0: B221            cmp.b    -(a1),d1
20004AD2: DBD7            adda.l   (a7),a5
20004AD4: 5247            addq.w   #1,d7
20004AD6: 93C6            suba.l   d6,a1
20004AD8: 1E76D2EC        move.b   (-20,a6,a5.w*2),a7
20004ADC: E177            roxl.w   d0,d7
20004ADE: 02E4            dc.w     0x02e4                  ; Invalid opcode
20004AE0: 47E4            lea      -(a4),a3
20004AE2: 39DC4F2F        move.w   (a4)+,#20271
20004AE6: C58D            exg      d2,a5
20004AE8: FE93CDD8        cp1ld.l   
   Thanks a lot
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3 Replies

Specialist II
The Project Board USB BDM circuit supports only HCS08, HCS12, and ColdFire V1 family of Microcontrollers.   For the MC52233DEMO (ColdFire V2 5[2]xxx) you will need to use the USB-BDM on the DEMO module itself to program.  As for powering the project board you could source power FROM the MC52233DEMO (you will want to be watchful of current consumption if going this route because you could damage the DEMO boards circuitry)  See the user guide for the necessary jumper settings.  The more robust route would be to could connect the Project Board via the barrel power connect to a wall outlet with the supplied power cable.
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Contributor I
I have tried to power from M52233DEMO itself, but the RET_LED and terminal is exactly the same as power from PBMCUSLK.
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Specialist II
Users should not attempt to connect a powered module to an unpowered Project Board (PB)  this can produce undesirable results.  A powered module will forward bias the clamp diodes on several active parts connected to the IO headers on the PB.  This causes VDD on the PB to rise but not enough to guarantee functionality. 
In this specific instance, the offending signal, reset out (RSTO*) signal on the ColdFire (CF) board, feeds VDD through the Project Board USB-BDM.  VDD rises to approx. 1.8V.  With luck, the CF board will behave normally.  However, this configuration failed several times by simply moving scope probe GND lead during trouble shooting.  Moving the PSEL_B jumper to the USB position applied power to the USB circuit.  However, the circuit never exits RESET since VDD is not sufficient for operation.  Therefore, the RST* signal is held low which in turn holds the CF board in reset. 
I will add a note to the Project Board UG to highlight this issue. 
The PB should be power independently of the target module if using the modules USB-BDM.  The PSEL_B (or PWR_SEL) jumper on the PB should be set to VIN and the +5V_SEL should be set to PWR_SEL not USB.  If powered separately, the CF board must be debugged through its on-board USB-BDM.
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