MCF52233 Fec problem

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MCF52233 Fec problem

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Contributor I
Hi everyone,
I try to send a frame via the ethernet with the MCF52233 (I use the M52233DEMO board), but anything appears. I Initialize the ePHY module and the PC see the connection. I initialize the Fec registers, buffers and buffers descriptors like the Freescale's RM says, but when I set the TDAR register, nothing append, no interrupt, and TDAR doesn't reset.
Does anyone know what may append ?
Alban clarified subject

Message Edited by Alban on 2007-03-02 10:51 AM

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Contributor I
I believe 99.9% of new users of Kirin2e got a lot of "rocks"at the starting point to transmit anything using 52235 fec.
If you like consoles, I can tell you it works fine, but you must pay attention in any small detail, specially initialization ones.
I took a look in Freescale examples and I got confused...and I couldn,t make the FEC work that time..I mean only based in such examples.I needed to add / change some details..maybe Imissunderstood something....
I'm in vacations now (I'll return next monday) , but I can send you the code I use to pilot the FEC.
Meanwhile be aware about:
1- you must aligns ring descriptos and data buffers (as Mark mentioned...).This is a very important point !!!
2- Check if you are fill the ring tx descriptor correctly, althought you think you have done..(It happenned with me..)
2- I needed to use a pragma #unaligned packets to work with my structs (it is just a complement for you..not exactly the FEC solution you want), since my transmission buffer is based on such structs format
3- you could start your code based on CFinit, wich generates a very clear code you can use or at least take a look, maybe you can find a mismatch between your code and the one generated by this sw.
4- I posted in this forum,after received some helps from some guys here, a part ofcode wich works, although thai is not the current I'm using nowaday.Maybe it can heps yothe title was about "52235 ethernet driver".
5- There are several points in this forum wich regard about you doubt..taka a search..
Four months I go, probably I could have lot of details still on mind, but now ...
Godd luck ...
Ricardo Raupp
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Contributor I
Hi Ricardo,
I believe you're right, it's probably a detail which causes me troubles, and I've not identified it yet. I've ever seen your topic "52235 ethernet driver" but it didn't resolve my problem... Could you send me your code ? I think that study a correct code could help me :smileyhappy:
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936 次查看
Contributor I
The second file I missed in the first message ....sorry...
Ricardo Raupp
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Contributor I
Many thanks Ricardo, I'll read it yet !
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936 次查看
Contributor I
Follow 2 files regarding the etherent fec/phy use and buffers, ring descriptor declartion etc..
I hope it can solve your problem,otherwise, let me know ...maybe I can add some information ....
Ricardo Raupp
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936 次查看
Contributor I
Hi there

What is Kirin2e?

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936 次查看
Contributor I
Hi wyliek
Kirin is the name that Freescale adopted to their 2 new ColdFire single chip processors, wich are able to connect directly to USB and Ethernet, since they include the respective controller + PHY´s for it.
At the presentation time of this chips (2005) they were referred simply as Kirin family ...
Kirin-2e = ethernet enable => MCF52231 to MCF52235  (MCF5223x)
Kirin-2u = USB enable => MCF52221 to MCF52223       (MCF5222x)
Ricardo Raupp
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936 次查看
Specialist V

Unfortunately it can be one of many things which is not correct.

Have you ensured that the buffers are aligned to 16 byte boundaries?

Check also status registers for an indication of why it is not starting the transfer.


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