We are trying to bring up a custom board with a T4240 on it. We're using the CodeWarrior USB TAP and a vanilla CodeWarrior project on CodeWarrior PA 10.3.3.
We are having issues connecting the debugger to the custom board. We also have a T4240QDS, and can connect the debugger with the same debug configuration to that with no problems.
At the moment, we are receiving the error, "Could not connect to the requested core: core 0". We have already verified that the USB TAP can see the T4240, using "source IDcode.tcl" in the ccs console.
What can cause this problem and what are potential solutions?
Can you check the JTAG speed setting in CodeWarrior ?
(<your_debug_configuration>/Target Settings/Connection/Edit/JTAG Clock Speed)
Maybe the default value is too big, try using 2000 or less.
And check your hardware JTAG as well, but if you say that IDcode.tcl detects the core,
this means something is working, the script performs JTAG scanning to detect the device.
That's common problem in initial stage of new board.