Hello everyone,
I just want use CW10.3.3 ev and USB TAP for write bootloader to P1010 norflash.
but there have something wrong. how can I solve this problem.
this is console message:
fl::target -lc "LC for Simple Flash"
fl::target -b 0x2000 0x30000
fl::target -v off -l off
cmdwin::fl::device -d "JS28F256M29EWL" -o "32Mx8x1" -a 0xfe000000 0xffffffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "C:\\NorFlashPro\\bootrom.bin" -t "Auto Detect" -re on -r 0xfe000000 0xffffffff -oe on -o 0x1e00000
cmdwin::fl::erase image
Beginning Operation ...
Auto-detection is successful.
File is of type Binary/Raw Format.
Image size is 0 bytes, nothing to erase.
Nothing to erase. No sectors selected
Performing target initialization ...
Error: invalid argument "GUT/PORBMSR", should be a valid register
Erase Command Succeeded.
Error: invalid argument "GUT/PORBMSR", should be a valid registerErase Command Succeeded.
I just modified the type of flash to "JS28F256M29EWL" in P1010RDB_NOR_FLASH.xml, the connect configuration file is default. offset is :0x1e0000.:
已解决! 转到解答。
Modifying that .xml file by hand is not advisable. You should use the CodeWarrior GUI instead.
There is an application note in <CW_Install_Path>\PA\PA_Tools\FlashToolKit\Documentation named
AppNote-FlashProgrammer-PowerArchitecture.pdf that contains more information on this subject.
Modifying that .xml file by hand is not advisable. You should use the CodeWarrior GUI instead.
There is an application note in <CW_Install_Path>\PA\PA_Tools\FlashToolKit\Documentation named
AppNote-FlashProgrammer-PowerArchitecture.pdf that contains more information on this subject.