I'm testing LS1021A with Tower board. And want to modify RCW.
Original RCW starts with 0608000A, which is exactly as I need (100MHz clk input, 800MHz DDR clk).
The value of MEM_PLL_RAT is 0_1000 8:1, which is pretty good according to the datasheet. But the CodeWarrior says, it's invalid, and does not allow to select.
If I import whole configuration, it says, PLL configuration is invalid, and I have to select "valid" value from the list.
How to understand it? What configuration tool should be used to select values, which are described in the datasheet, and should be valid?
Hello Dainius Zilys ,
Please update QCVS to the latest QCVS 4.7 from Help->Install New Software->Work with(drop list) and specify the SoC version as LS1021A v2.0 when create a QCVS project. MEM_PLL_RAT(0_1000 8:1) is allowed in my CodeWarrior IDE.
Have a great day,
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