"__pRAM_WIR_start_high" defined in the Linker Command File is not word

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"__pRAM_WIR_start_high" defined in the Linker Command File is not word

727 次查看
Contributor IV

I am using CW 10.7 for MCU. Also, I borrowing pieces for the LCF from the demo project located here:

Linker Command File (LCF) P:RAM Clarification 

Now, I am getting the message:

>"__pRAM_WIR_start_high" defined in the Linker Command File is not word-
>aligned, address in bytes is 1.

Below is the relevant excerpt from my LCF.



    .ApplicationCodeInRAM :
        . = ALIGN(2);
          .=__PRG_RAM_START + __DATA_END;
          __pRAM_WIR_start = .;

          # insert RAM routine (this is for proper move of memory pointer and it is equal to the row above)
          * (.pRAM_from_Flash_code)

          # You can add your sections here.

    } > .p_internal_RAM

    .WIRData :
          # ****** start WIR ******
          # definition of symbols for copy of WIR routine from pROM to pRAM
          F_LWIR_size     = __WIR_size;

          F_LWIR_ROM_addr = __pROM_WIR_start;
          F_LWIR_ROM_addr_low = __pROM_WIR_start & 0xFFFF;

          __pROM_WIR_start_high =  __pROM_WIR_start / 0x10000;

          F_LWIR_ROM_addr_high = __pROM_WIR_start_high;

          F_LWIR_RAM_addr = __pRAM_WIR_start;
          F_LWIR_RAM_addr_low = __pRAM_WIR_start & 0xFFFF;

          __pRAM_WIR_start_high =  __pRAM_WIR_start / 0x10000;

          F_LWIR_RAM_addr_high = __pRAM_WIR_start_high;
          # ****** end WIR ******
    } >> .x_internal_RAM
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540 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


To remove this warning, please use the ALIGN command to align the ‘__pRAM_WIR_start_high’ on a word-boundary.  for example:

              . = ALIGN(2);
              __pRAM_WIR_start_high = . ;

If this can't help you fix the issue, please upload your demo project here. thus we can check it directly.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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