Hi All,
I need to do a small project for an e200z760 core device (MPC5676R) that needs to be written in VLE assembler, but it seems Code Warrior is very much C orientated.
Is it possible to create a minimalist project that does nothing more than call the assembler code without it adding in a bunch of C starter files to the project? (I have CodeWarrior for MPC55xxMPC56xx v2.10 installed).
Hello Ross,
You can create MPC5676R project in the Project Wizard and remove/delete all source files.
Then you can e.g create and add to project:
__startup.s file which includes __start routine ...this is where you can add your startup asm code. It jumps to main_asm() at the end.
And main_asm.s this is where you place your main code.
You can create your own project structure - this is just an example (see attached project).
Hope it helps.
Thank you Stan, I shall give it a go with your attachment.
Update: thanks again Stan, what did provided was perfect, much appreciated.