Problem solved!
Thank you to Freescale for making 3.1 available to me via Transweb.
You can't successfully load and build the 3.1 image into 5.1 - there are inherent problems with it - that's why you have to do the export procedure as outlined in the addendum document.
Problems are though - the SE license for 3.1 restricts you to 1K of code where the 5.1 allows 16K - there is a way around that but you need to get one of the old license files from the metrowerks 3.1 free version - that works fine with the larger code size.
Anyway - got the 3.1 version and the edition for larger code sizes and it worked immediately - also note that 5.1 has much less immediate support for other forms of burners for the flash system - 3.1 has a greater range of immedate choices available
Thanks again for the support and your response
Jeff Ferrier
Digital Systems Design