Importing your CodeWarrior projects!

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Importing your CodeWarrior projects!

Importing your CodeWarrior projects!


Today I woke up with the inquiry-ish mood, so I would like to make you some questions, dear reader...ready?


So, you've been working on CodeWarrior Development Tools?

Nice! I've become really close with this developing tool due to the major benefits that it's portfolio brings to the developers' community.


Have you experienced any trouble finding .bins or actualizing updates manually?

If the answer is "yes", well, me too! Sometimes it's kinda difficult getting to know IDEs completely or finding out all the features that are contained within them.


Did you know that CodeWarrior can be turned into a more graphical coding environment?

If the answer is "no", let me tell you there is a way! And a pretty easy one...


If I told you CodeWarrior and Eclipse get together to empower developing tasks...?

Yes indeed, they can be merged and they'd easy things up!


Why would I like to merge CodeWarrior and Eclipse features?

Basicly, because the classical IDE provided by CodeWarrior turns out to be very manual when it comes to updates; besides, whenever you decide to search for an update, you must sync it and organize it all by yourself...and I know it might not be that hard, but it's not funny when you end up with tons of versions for each update.


The marvellous thing of working with CodeWarrior inside Eclipse IDE is that the graphical environment makes it way easier and friendlier for you, for us developers, and there is no need to search for updates or even trying to get the code segments when working with Processor Expert, for example, it is all viasually arranged and set for you to just have a blast programming.


This time I'll attach the Quick Starts of the CodeWarrior Project Importer, where you can find all the info you need to start using CodeWarrior tools from Eclipse IDE.


Amazing thing, have fun!

标签 (1)

Wrong video, anyway, that 3DCone looks interesting.


Thanks for the notice Carlos!

Video has been corrected! :smileywink:

For our project we are using Codewarrior 6.2 version for microcontroller MCF5485. We want to migrate to Eclipse Codewarrior(C language, Version: 1.0.0 ,Build Id: b15_2105-A22). When I try to migrate *.mcp using Codewarrior project impoter am getting error. Error: unsupported settings panel version in Release. Can anybody help me to understand why this error is coming and is it right way to migrate? Please let me know if we have any other way to migrate.error.png

‎09-09-2012 04:28 PM