I have written a command file to log my variables every 10ms. I am running that command file in an infinite loop. How do I stop the execution of the command file when I want to stop logging data? The only way I found is to kill the true-time simulator application but I am looking for an elegant way to do that.
Hello Cmux,
I assume you use HiWare true-time simulator (8/16bit).
REPEAT-UNTIL and WHILE-ENDWHILE loops can be ended by pressing Esc key.
Is there no way to stop an infinite loop?
I assume you are referring to an infinite loop defined in a debugger command file?
Am I right?
Then the next question is which processor are you targeting (HC08, HC12, Coldfire, ...)?
Which version of CodeWarrior are you using?
To retrieve that info:
- Start CodeWarrior
- Select Help -> About Freescale CodeWarrior
- Click on "Install Products"
- CodeWarrior version used is displayed on top in the Installed Products dialog.
Did you try to click inside of the command window and press ESC?
This should stop execution of the currently executed command file.
Yes I tried pressing Esc in the command window. I tried all sorts of escape sequences in the command window to no avail. Any other ideas?