Hello Agreer,
well, in fact the USB monitor is much more stable than the monitor and allow the user to use the entire vector tables. The monitor needs to handle some vectors to set up the communication in contrary to the BDM solutions, for basic applications, the monitor is enough, but it may to generate some conflicts when developing a more complexe program, i.e. when using an RTOS like Osek...
Well now back to the problem
I would suggest you to use the stationery wizard of Codewarrior to create a small project for P&E USB cable , then try to erase and load the small *.abs file generated by this project... this will at least allow you to check if the communication goes well...
Then if it works, try to load the monitor using this project: once the communication is established in the menu PEDebug, select the 'load'...
Another point to check... maybe your S08 is locked... P&E provides a small application for free which allows the users to unlock the S08 and the S12:
_ go to their webpage: www.pemicro.com
_ click on the 'support' section
_ then, click on 'documentations and downloads'
_ in the list select 'Utility' as 'download type' and '68HCS08' as 'product family.
_ then simply download and use the software called 'Unsecure_12' (it works for HCS08 AND for HCS12).
Hope this helps
Message Edited by agreer on 04-05-200610:05 PM