I have a question about my MC9S08DZ32 which I've been experimenting for a five of weeks.
I'm trying unsuccessfully for several days to move the MCU into „stop3 mode“ and wake-up the MCU via MSCAN.
I also have already read the AN3387 and tried to implement AN2255 and AN2283 but without success (nothing happens).
What I have to do if I want to switch the MCU into the stop3 mode and stay there as long as it receives a message via MSCAN (wake-up).
Is there a specific command for switching the modes or to trigger a specific event or set a flag?
You see some part of my code in the attachment
Original Attachment has been moved to: main-(with-stop3).c.zip
Hi Thomas
To enter to stop mode you need executing a STOP instruction under the conditions as shown in Table 3-1
Also check the WUPIE on MSCAN Receiver Interrupt Enable Register (CANRIER)
Have a great day,
Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!
Dear Vicente,
A big thanks for your quick answer.
Here is my implemented code, but it don't work.
The MCU spent ~ 13mA and the I can't try the Wake-Up-Iq
And I don't know why...
// ==>> Code
CANCTL0 |= 0x04; // WUPE = 1 ==> MSCAN Wake-Up enable
CANRIER |= 0x80; //In CANRIER Bit7 WUPIE = 1
SOPT1 |= 0x20; // STOPE = 1, SOPT1 Bit5
SPMSC1 &= ~0x0C; // LVDE + LVDSE = 0, SPMSC1 Bit2 + Bit3
SPMSC2 &= ~0x01; // PPDC = 0, SPMSC2 Bit0 für Stop3 ohne BDM und untervoltage detection
This Register I can't find
//BDCSCR &= ~0x80; // ENBDM = 0 in Register BDCSCR, BDCSCR Bit7
Is it possible to take a asm command to switch into the stopmade?
And I need your help along
Thanks for your Response
-- was that the right button?
Hi Vicente,.
I have unfortunately no a file received, can you send it again?
Big Thanks
void main(void)
// Following a reset, BUSCLK = 4MHz
SOPT1_STOPE = 1;// stop mode enable
SCI1BD = 26; // SCI baud rate = 4MHz/(16*26)=9615 bps
SCI1C1 = 0; //default settings
//enable transmitter and receiver pins, enables receiver interrupt
PTCDD_PTCDD0 = 1; //PTC0 as output
PTCD_PTCD0 = 1; // PTC0 off
PTCDD_PTCDD1 = 1; //PTC1 as output
PTCD_PTCD1 = 1; // PTC1 off
PTADD = 0; //PTA as input
PTAPE = PTAPE_PTAPE2_MASK; // PTA2 pull up enables
KBI1PE = KBI1PE_KBIPE2_MASK; //enable interrupt 2
KBI1SC = KBI1SC_KBIE_MASK ; //KBI enable ,detect edges only
KBI1ES = 0; // Falling edge eneble
for (;;)
asm ("STOP");
void interrupt VectorNumber_Vsci1rx SCI1RX_ISR(void)
(void) SCI1S1; // read SCIS1 register for clear RDRE flag
u8receiver = SCI1D;
SCI1D = u8receiver;
if (u8receiver == 'l') {
PTCD_PTCD0= ~ PTCD_PTCD0 ; //toggle PTCD0
void interrupt VectorNumber_Vkeyboard kbi_ISR(void)
int i = 5000; //delay
while :smileyinfo:
KBI1SC_KBACK = 1; // Acknowledge KB Interrupts
Hallo Vicente,
I do the same I think, but it don't work...
Bool ENTER_STOP_MODE = FALSE; // starts in Normal-Mode
Bool MCU_IS_STOPPED = FALSE; // the mcu isn't stopped
void main(void) {// Clear COP Watchdog timeout
SOPT1 = 0x20; // STOPE = 1, SOPT1 Bit5
SPMSC1 &= ~0x0C; // LVDE + LVDSE = 0, SPMSC1 Bit2 + Bit3
SPMSC2 &= ~0x01; // PPDC = 0, SPMSC2 Bit0 Stop3 with BDM
MCGC1 = 0xB8;
MCGC2 = 0x36;
MCGC3 = 0x00;
while(!(MCGSC&0x02)); // Wait until the initialization cycle of the external crystal clock is completed
// isrTimer1 configure and aktivate
TPM1MODH = 0xFD; // Timer1 Overflow
TPM1MODL = 0xD0;
TPM1SC = 0x4F;
MSCANInit();// CAN Schnittstelle initialisieren
// CANCTL0 |= 0x04; // WUPE = 1 ==> MSCAN Wake-Up enable
// CANRIER |= 0x80; // Enable Wake-Up IRQ
// RUN: CANE = 1, CSWAI = X, SLPRQ = 0, SLPAK = 0
// WAIT: CANE = 1, CSWAI = 0, SLPRQ = 0, SLPAK = 0
for (;;) {
if (ENTER_STOP_MODE) { // enter stopmode
MCU_IS_STOPPED = TRUE; // the mcu is now stopped
CANCTL0 |= 0x02; // SLPRQ = 1 ==> MSCAN SLEEP
CANCTL1 |= 0x02; // SLPAK = 1 ==> MSCAN SLEEP
asm ("STOP"); // switch into stop3 Mode
// The isrTimer1 sets the (Bool ENTER_STOP_MODE = True);
// In my canWakeUp irq I set (ENTER_STOP_MODE = MCU_IS_STOPPED = false) again
// After "asm (STOP);" the mcu ever reset
Thanks for your answer
Please remember that in some kind of stop mode, the debuger does not work, or if you are using the debuger probably you did not reach the stop mode