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Contributor I
I have a network of 3 devices:
1 coordinator
1 router (connected to the coordinator)
1 end device (connected to the coordinator)

I am using unidirectional messages (gZclMfgSpecific_c) initiated by the coordinator and receiving responses from the router and end device. For testing this small network I sent 50 messages (alternate the destination) from the coordinator. This part work well.

Than I close the end device.
I still send messages from the coordinator (with no Acknowledge) for both of these devices.
The problem that I have is that the router is not answering anymore after 3 loops (in one loop I am sending 2 messages: one to the router and one to the end device). 
I tried to use a delay of 10s between loops and the result was the same.

Dos anybody has any ideas what I can try to solve this issue?

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391 次查看
Contributor V
your problem is properly that you just send messages but you never track when the transmission is complete. which means that the messages for the end device is stored in the coordinator for a period of time as the end device is turned off.
the network layer will keep the message for 7.68 seconds before the message is discarded.
you need to track the apsde-confirm in your application and NOT send the next message before you have received the confirm of the first.
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