yes using pta2 and pta3
both 10k pullup
ok I removed the waiting loop for busy to see what would happen and as soon I try to do a start I get the interuption and then first thing I compare IIC_MST to see if im master and it return im the slave ive included my code
Hi again
the mpr084 seem to hold the SDA line at 0 when I boot
if I unsolder it get try state and I can resolder
the cpu stop seeing busy flags
but atm I set MST (master should create a start condition)
And I get interrupted immediatly by the i2c
if I run instead of debug I get a SLC 0 then 1 and nothing more SDA never moved
There is something I havent understand??
Didn t connect IRQ line
ATTN is set at 1 at boot and at 0 after a short moment
ok gone a little further
connected a DS3232
my clock was too fast first of all
now 50Khz
As also using wrong address for MPR084
but when I use debugger to step into the IIC interrupt I do get weird stuff
it check for RXAK everything is fine (also on scope the address is correct with R/W to 0) followed by a 0 at the 9th clock (ACK)
then compare cMasterRxFlag to see if we write or read from IIC and suddenly jump to line 285 and CLEAR IIC_TX bit
then weird thing happen on scope like clock of SCL and FF as data on SDA
any one seen this before?
Hi again
writing to MPR084 work correctly atm
but I fail at reading (well I read only 1 data then the I2C get jammed
to read from the MPR084 I send the slave address with r/w bit set at 1 right?
then read the byte comming (from what I understand this should read the register where the internal pointer is pointing)
then a stop condition exact?
or I have to write addr with | 0x01 then write a command byte then read the following byte?
or I have to do a repeated start somewhere in the process?
Atm I see the addr getting transmit with r/w at 1, then the value im expecting (0x40) from the fifo after a reset, then a ack (not sure who made it) then SCL going high (then expect SDA to go high for the STOP) but stay and remain low ....
Any one see my error in using the protocol
Thank you
ive attached the result SCL in yellow
I also have a DS3232 connected to this I2C
for this one the reading protocol is much more clear
to read the master ack each data and do a nack for the last byte it want to read
same thing for MPR084?
(in case someone read)
set TXAK to 0 will not send a ask after receiving the first byte
allowing to create a stop
if you want to receive more than 1 set it to 1 then at 0 when expecting last byte
Is IIC pins select bit (IICPS) set up properly?