Í'm testing a 9S08QG8 by first time with a 4MHz oscillator in FBE mode.
On Data sheet and other freescale documents
fbus=(fext*1/BDIV)/2 = 1/tcyc where tcyc is time machine cycle
I used BDIV=1 ==> divide by 2
Then fbus=4MHz/4=1MHz ==> tcyc=1us
I tryed to check this, generating a square wave with
C code Assembler code
{ PTBD_PTBD2=1; 44: PTBD_PTBD2=1; 0014
1400 BSET 2,_PTBD //2 cycles _asm NOP 45: _asm NOP 0016
9d NOP //1 cycle PTBD_PTBD2=0; 46: PTBD_PTBD2=0; 0017
1500 BCLR 2,_PTBD //2 cycles _asm NOP 47: _asm NOP 0019
9d NOP //1 cycle __RESET_WATCHDOG(); // feeds the dog } // loop forever
If tcyc is 1 us I would have to obtain a 3 us period square wave but I obtain a 6 us period.
Maybe fext is fcrystal/2 and this information is not well documented or tcyc is not 1/fbus.
Maybe some of you with more experience have a response.
I regulary use 9S12, GP32 and QT2 MCUs and I never had this discrepancy.
Best Regard