CTU - How to verify for which input signal, the software triggers are generated

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CTU - How to verify for which input signal, the software triggers are generated

Contributor III

Hi everyone,

I am working with Cross Triggering Unit of MPC5643L. I have a question regarding the TGS input signal. If I selects 4 input signals for trigger generation. It will be OR-ed to get the MRS in case of triggered mode or ES will be generated in case of sequential. 

I linked the generated triggers to ADC. Now, How to verify for which input signal, the software triggers are triggering the ADC?

since, register to select the type of input signal is only available, How can we know for which signal, the triggering is done.


It is easy to say if only one input signal is selected for trigger generation. What if more than one input signal is selected?

In example provided in the nxp forum, PWM-ADC triggering, only one input signal has been selected 

For eg,

Consider I have selected REAL PWM CHANNEL 0 EVEN FALLING EDGE, REAL PWM CHANNEL2  ODD FALLING EDGE and  REAL PWM CHANNEL 1 EVEN RISING EDGE. The trigger for ADC is enabled for all the 8 triggers.

Now how to check for which input signal, the ADC triggering is done?

Awaiting for the answer.

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I expect you can see the trigger source in periphery sending the MSR to CTU.

It is easy to say if only one input signal is selected for trigger generation. What if more than one input signal is selected?

Then the trigger which comes first is processed.

Now how to check for which input signal, the ADC triggering is done?

Well, this is responsibility of your SW design. You have done concept study where you have verified when exactly you need to measure your PWMs. I expect your triggers are synchronous so your ADC command list is corresponding to the triggers step by step. You just simply see on the scope and debugger if measured values corresponds to what you see in real.

When your system is correctly triggering there is no need to care about it as it is HW triggering mechanism.

If you have asynchronous signals then the CTU is not suitable for your purpose as the trigger which comes as second is discard.


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