I am trying to configure the EQADC with EDMA to read all of the ADC_A channels. I am struggling to set the EDMA to send the next element in my CQueue array (with the commands to read channels 1, 2 ...) and read the RBuffer (results) and store it the RQueue array. I can only get the EDMA to transfer the command in the first index of the CQueue array and store the read ADC value in the first index of the RQueue array. Does anyone have an example code to show how to setup the EDMA to loop through the commands queue and get all of the ADC channels data and store in the RQueue.
Thank you
Thanks David,
Yeah I managed to set it up and read all of the ADC_A channels, but I am trying to configure QADC_B by using the same configuration I used for QADC_A. However with the same configuration and just updated addresses pointing to QADC_B registers it is not working. Are there any differences between the two? could you please provide an example for QADC_B as well.
Thank you
Note that examples above are written for different device, but ised eQADC and eDMA modules are very similar and backward compatible.
As startup code for MPC5777C you may use this:
HI, for instance following two examples:
Example MPC5674F eQADC+eDMA Single_Scan CW210
Both configure eDMA for command filling and result draining from/into specified buffer in RAM.
Hope it helps