Assistance Requried regarding programing of LPC1347 Using LPCexpresso

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Assistance Requried regarding programing of LPC1347 Using LPCexpresso

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tsdcr on Thu Nov 22 05:51:39 MST 2012
I Have Tried to program LPC1347 using lpc expresso but when i try to run(debug) default examples it showa Warnings and exits,,any one have solution for this problem:
The details of the system are as follows:
I use linux ubuntu 12.10 os with lenovo laptop
and Version: LPCXpresso v4.2.3 [Build 255] [30/05/2012]
the log is as follows

LPCXpresso Debug Driver v4.0 (May 22 2012 15:05:52)
Looked for chip XML file in /usr/local/lpcxpresso_4.2.3_255/lpcxpresso/bin/LPC1347.xml
Looked for vendor directory XML file in /usr/local/lpcxpresso_4.2.3_255/lpcxpresso/bin/nxp_directory.xml
Found generic directory XML file in /usr/local/lpcxpresso_4.2.3_255/lpcxpresso/bin/crt_directory.xml
Emu(0): Conn&Reset. DpID: 2BA01477. Info: LPCLINK_1_1
SWD Frequency: 3000 KHz. RTCK: False. Vector catch: False.
Packet delay: 0  Poll delay: 0.
NXP: LPC1347  Part ID: 0x08020543
Connected: was_reset=false. was_stopped=false
v Registered license, download limit of 128K
Writing 2288 bytes to 0000 in Flash (assumed clock: 12.0MHz)
Erased/Wrote page  0-0 with 2288 bytes in 1413msec
Flash write Done
nSRST assert (if available)
Executing in user flash.
Stopped: Halt
(crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp) terminating on communication loss: Pipe has been closed by GDB.

the other error messages are as follows:
set remotetimeout 60000
mon capabilities
set mem inaccessible-by-default off
mon ondisconnect cont
set arm force-mode thumb
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
The warning message is

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
taking address of expression of type 'void'    cr_startup_lpc13.c    /adc/src    line 110    C/C++ Problem

THanks :)
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