Minimum PC requirements to install LpcXpresso

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Minimum PC requirements to install LpcXpresso

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by micronpn on Thu Jul 22 11:10:15 MST 2010
I would install LpcXpresso on an old (better I could say ancient....) L285 that is a Pentium 4 with 1GB ram and 160GB HD WinXP SP3.
Is there any possibility to install on it a copy of LpcXpresso?
I tryed but when I start the ide it crashes when the loading progress bar is at about  80% of  its goal. Could be that there are other problems on this PC but before start to investigate I would like to know if its computing "power" may be ok or not.
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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by micronpn on Mon Jul 26 10:06:33 MST 2010
The problem were some dll on WindowsXp system32 directory. I choose to format and install the operative system and now it works. It is a bit slowly (Pentium4 is not a racing car) but it works.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Thu Jul 22 12:54:58 MST 2010
LPCXpresso should install and run on your machine. We run on Netbooks with similar specs and they run OK. However, the Pentium 4 will be very slow.

One issue could be the amount of *free* RAM. The IDE can be a bit of a hog for RAM, and so the more, the better. If you are running lot of other apps, that will reduce the amount of RAM available, and it will then start paging (quite heavily).

When you start LPCXpresso, does the IDE stop/crash/hang? If it starts paging, it could be that you didn't leave it long enough to finish starting up. If it crashed, there is a log file that you could post, and we can see if that give  any clues. The log file can be found in <workspace>/.metadata/.log
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