What exactly is the GPIO output behavior and adjustments for a KL03 controller?

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What exactly is the GPIO output behavior and adjustments for a KL03 controller?

Contributor I


I would like to know what exactly is the GPIO output behavior and adjustments for a KL03 controller.

- Blockdiagram

- Type: Push-Pull? just Pullup? just Pulldown? Pullup and Pulldown?

- Pull resistor value?

- max Pin output current?


Michael Eicher

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Michael Eicher,

      Answer your question as follows:

1. Blockdigram

    Until now, we still don't have the internal IO blockdigram for customer,  thanks a lot for your understanding.

2. Type: Push-Pull? just Pullup? just Pulldown? Pullup and Pulldown?

The pull devices are enabled out of POR only on RESET, NMI and respective SWD signals. Other pins can be enabled by writing to PORTx_PCRn[PE].

All the pins can be configured as pullup or pulldown through PORTx_PCRn[PS].

You can find this from the KL03 reference manual, chapter Pull devices and directions

3.Pull resistor value?

From the datasheet, Internal pullup resistors is : 20K-50K.

4. max Pin output current?

There have sevel parameters in the datasheet you need to take care:

1): ID  Maximum current single pin limit (applies to all digital pins) 25mA
   This current is instantaneous current for each digital pin, not the constant current.
Chapter 1.4 Voltage and current operating ratings in kl03 DATASHEET
2): IICIO IO pin negative DC injection current—single pin  5mA
   This is the constant current for each digital pin
chapter 2.2.1 Voltage and current operating requirements
3): IICcont Contiguous pin DC injection current —regional limit,includes sum of negative injection currents or sum of positive injection currents of 16 contiguous pins 25mA
If you have the contiguous 16 pins, then the sum current is 25mA, not the 5*16mA.
chapter 2.2.1 Voltage and current operating requirements

4): IOHT, Output high current total for all ports .   IOLT, Output low current total for all ports 100mA
To the whole chip, all the port current in sum should less than 100mA.

Wish my answer helps you!

If you still have question, please contact me!

Have a great day,


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