error message "CCSProtocalPlugin: CCS: Cable disconnected ", help!!

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error message "CCSProtocalPlugin: CCS: Cable disconnected ", help!!

Contributor I
Hi everybody:
I have a problem with JTAG interface plugged into parallel port to PC (from demo board 56F8013),
before it worked fine, until now it always gives me an error message "CCSProtocalPlugin: CCS: Cable disconnected ", I checked everything is connectted as fine as before, and the strange thing is: when everything worked before, I cliked the "make" button, it showed a warning, which is fine (still can be downloaded to the demoboard), while but now, when I clicked the "make" button, it shows me nothing, why?
and I also want to know for sure if it is the problem with the JATG interface, or with the 56F8013 chip itself?
Many thanks!
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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
If you still meet some problem about your connection.

We experienced several problem when the parallel on host was used with a sample parallel cable or via the wiggler interface.

To avoid them an USBTap can be used.

For details, please have a look to our web site:


Some customer meets a problem similar to your issue due to the voltage of the Parallel port.

See below details:

Customer engineers examined the parallel port and found that the voltage supplied to the wiggler through the parallel port was about 1v. At least 3v must be supplied to the wiggler for proper operation.

Several users meet the same problem.

Can you please check it on your side ?

See below some tips fixing XP problems.

> (A) In windows XP/2000, the parallel port dialog checkbox entitled

> "Enable Legacy Plug and Play" should be checked. This setting is located

> in the Control Panel-->System-->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports->Printer

> Port (LPTX) dialog.


> (B) Here are the steps to modify the parallel port registry key

> appropriately:


> 1. save the winxp1.reg file to your hard drive

> 2. make sure you are logged in as the system administrator

> 3. run the winxp1.reg file (by double clicking on it)

> 4. A question will be displayed "Are you sure you want to add the

> information in c:\winxp1.reg to the registry?"

> 5. Click the Yes button

> 6. A message will display "Information in c:\winxp1.reg has been

> successfully entered into the registry."

> 7. restart your computer to apply the new changes


Try the following steps in the CCS Console window:

1. ‘show wdv’ à"WinDriver V5.05b Jungo (c)2002 Build Date: Aug 4 2002 X86 SYS"

2. Start à Settings à Control Panel à System à Hardware à Device Manager

Ports à Printer Port(LPT1) double click on this and on the window go to the Resources tab.

Look at the I/O Range. The first I/O range is the address of the parallel port.

3. delete all

config cc parallel:0x0378

After doing this you should connect to the board without any problems.

This error was appearing when a customer would try to connect to the debugger.


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Contributor I
I ran into a similar problem and tried this solution you propose here. It makes absolutely no difference - there are still connection problems wiht 95% of the connections, each time spurting out a different error message (":can't read registers" , "cable unconnected", "core not responding" etc.)
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Windows doesn't manage anymore the parallel port.
Since NT we meet problem with all interfaces using the host parallel port.
To avoid that we introduced an usb interface: USBTap.
We recommend to use this interface to avoid this case of situation.
See below some other tips for parallel issues.
Hope this will help you.
Restart the computer with the parallel cable disconnected from the computer completely. After the system reboot is complete, use the parallel cable to reconnect the equipment.

Just in case anyone else has similar problems, it turns out that the inbuilt parallel "command converter: on the DSP56858EVM (and my own cable based on that design) were the problem. The DSP56858EVM has only a 3.3V buffer on the lines going to the PC. While this does might meet the specs for VIHmin on the original PC's input buffers, it seems to be OK on some PC's today but not on others. There must also be some difference between the timing of the CCS in version 7.0 and version 7.2, because the former worked and the latter didn't.

Making a new parallel command converter cable using Motorola's schematic, which includes a 5V buffer as well as the 3.3V one fixed the problem. I would have bought one for AU$250, but couldn't afford the 6 week delivery time.

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Contributor I
I had the same problem. Try it with a demo program. Upload the Demo program into the demoboard. I'm sure it will work. After that you can upload your program and continue with your program.
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